ULMS Resource Sharing : Lending Processing (Physical Items)

Lending physical items in Rapido is very similar to the workflow used by traditional Alma Resource Sharing. There are a very notable differences you should take note of.


Printing Pull Slips

When you need to print pull slips go to the Rapido Tab → Lending Tab → Your local printing Set.

Picture of Rapido Tab.

Once in the necessary Set, select all the items for printing. Click Print Slip to print the pull slips.

Picture on where to click to print the slips.

If you have Quick Printing enabled the slips will pop up for printing, otherwise you will need to go to Admin → Printing → Printouts Queue to finish printing the slips. The slips contain all the necessary information to pull the book. Due to recent updates this slip works primarily to pull the book and a different slip generates the paperwork sent to the Borrowing library. I recommend printing 6 per page to conserve paper.

The slips can then be used to find what items need to be pulled from the shelf. Once the item is pulled these slips can be recycled.

Shipping to Borrowing Library

Once the item has been pulled you can ship it to the Borrowing library. Go to Alma → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Shipping Items to process the request. On the resulting page make sure Automatically Print Slip is set to Yes before scanning the item. Scan the barcode and it will be moved to the Shipped status and the printout will be sent to the printouts queue.

If Automatically Print Slip was not selected before scanning the item, you can generate the shipping slip can be generated by clicking the ellipses (…) next to the shipped item.

Printing Shipping Slip

To print the shipping slip go to Admin → Printing → Printouts Queue. All pending print request you generated will be on this fist page. Select all the items and click Print Selected to print the shipping slips. You can either use the shipping slip as a book band, sticker, or simply place it in the book as shipping paperwork. To streamline workflow I suggest simply slipping it in the book as the borrowing library will attach their own book band.

The shipping slip also prints a shipping label to use for any items not going through the Unity Courier. Simply cut the shipping label from the paperwork to use it for shipping.