This feature is not necessary or recommended if you have ILLiad or WorldShare set up as a Lender of Last Resort.
When we went live with Rapido items not filled in a Rapido pod went to the Created Borrowing Request status instead of cancelling and getting pushed to ILLiad. We could manually cancel requests to push them to ILLiad, but this process is tedious and time consuming. An Auto-Cancel Partner and Rota was made in the Network Zone to automate this process. To test the Find Partner feature in Rapido the Auto-Cancel Partner and Rota need to be moved to the Institution Zones so it can be disabled at some libraries without impacting other libraries.
Locate Profile
The first part of making this partner and rota system is to make a Locate Profile for it. To make a Locate Profile go to Configuration → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Locate Profiles. Go to Add Locate Profile and add the following settings:
Locate Profile Details
Name: Auto-Cancel
Type: Alma
Description: Auto-Cancel
Locate Profile Parameters
Server: (Same server as all other locate profiles)
Username: -
Institution: 01CALS_000
Alma Network: No
Check Item Availability: Yes
Ignore Electronic and Digital Resources: Yes
Check Item Requestability: Yes
Allow Locate by Metadata: No
Locate by fields: Yes
Locate only if all fields match: No
Port: 80
Password: (leave blank)
The Auto-Cancel Partner is an Alma Resource Sharing partner for a library that doesn’t exist. Since it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t have holdings and triggers a locate failure and cancelation when it is activated as the last possible partner in Rapido. To create this partner, go to Alma → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Partners and select Add Partner. Input the following settings:
General Information
Code: Auto-Cancel
Profile Type: External System
System Type: Other
Average Supply Time: 0
Currency: (leave blank)
Locate Profile: Auto-Cancel - Auto-Cancel
Holdings code: (leave blank)
Supports Borrowing:
Supports Lending:
Name: Auto-Cancel
Status: Active
Delivery Delay (days): 0
Institution Code: 01CALS_000
Borrowing Workflow: Borrowing NZ workflow
Lending Workflow: Lending NZ Workflow
To use a partner you need a rota. This rota should only be this item so you can easily place it as the final option in Rapido. To make a rota go to Alma → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Rota Templates and click Add Template.
General Information
Code: Auto-Cancel
Type: Non Ordered
Name: Auto Cancel Rota
Status: Active
Template Members
Click Add Partners and select Auto-Cancel. Save.
Rota Assignment Rule
Finally you will want to make a Rota Assignment Rule to make sure to use this partner as a last resort only. To make a Rota Assignment Rule go to Configuration → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Rota Assignment Rules and select Add Rule.
Rota Assignment Rules
Name: Auto-Cancel
Description: Auto-Cancel Rota Assignment Rule
Input Parameters
Name | Operator | Value |
Requested Format | In List | Digital, Physical |
Output Parameters
Rota Templates: Auto-Cancel
Rota Position
Once you have the Rota Assignment Rule created you will need to move it to the bottom of the list of rules. It is is higher on the list it will activate before other functions.