Rapido can use the blank ILL form in Primo to allow patrons the ability to request items not found in the Central Discovery Index. The blank form is configured in the same place as the traditional CSU+ form, so we cannot configure it until go live.
To configure the form go to Alma Configuration → Discovery → GetIt Configuration → Resource Sharing Request.
Ex Libris documentation for this process can be found here on the Knowledgebase under Configuring Request Forms for Primo VE.
Resource Sharing Request Fields
The first section on this page lets you configure the kinds of forms available. When we originally configured CSU+ the only box checked here was Owner, but for the blank form I recommend adding Citation Type and Specific Chapter or Pages. By adding Specific Chapter or Pages patrons will be able to choose to request specific chapters or pages from a book. By adding Citation Type patrons will be able to choose between requesting an article or book.
Field Name | Mandatory | Visible |
Citation Type |
| |
Owner |
| |
Specific Chapter or Pages |
Book Request
The next section configures what fields will appear when the Citation Type is Book. Most of these fields will appear at all times, but Chapter and Pages to Photocopy fields will only appear when I only need a specific chapter or pages is selected. This is how Alma differentiates between Book and Book Chapter requests. You can add any fields to be Visible, but Title should probably be Mandatory as the minimum amount of information to request a book. The following fields are my personal recommendation, but feel free to customize to your institutions preferences:
Field Name | Mandatory | Visible |
Item Availability |
| |
Title |
Author |
| |
Edition |
| |
| |
Publisher |
| |
Publication Date |
| |
Volume |
| |
Part |
| |
Chapter |
| |
Pages To Photocopy |
Article Request
The Article Request section configures the fields that will appear when the Citation Type is changed to Article. There are four selections that will allow patrons to autofill the whole request with a specific article identifier. If you add both the DOI and DOI Auto Fill you a field will appear that allows the patron to fill out the rest of the form by supplying the DOI. The same is true with the PMID and PMID Auto Fill selections. Once again the following are recommendations.
Field Name | Mandatory | Visible |
Journal Title |
Article Title |
Author |
| |
| |
| |
DOI Auto Fill |
| |
| |
PMID Auto Fill |
| |
Publisher |
| |
Publication Date |
| |
Journal Volume |
| |
Issue |
| |
Chapter |
| |
Start Page |
| |
End Page |
Delivery Fields
There are no new recommendations to the Delivery Fields section for Rapido. This has already been configured for your library’s use of Pickup Location, Comments fields, etc. I recommend not making any changes at this time.