A Rapido Copyright Dashboard was added to every CSU Institution Zone to make it easier for staff to track copyright use, track purchases through the Article Galaxy (Reprints Desk) or CCC cloud apps, or prepare a copyright report for submission to a copyright vendor. To view the dashboard, staff need to have the Requests Operator role which is already needed for processing Resource Sharing requests. The dashboard is located at Analytics → Reports → Rapido Copyright Dashboard.

The Rapido Copyright Dashboard has four tabs with different information used for different purposes. Once inside the report, staff can download it in Excel format by clicking the options gear in the top right of the browser window and selecting Export to Excel.

If you have questions or want to suggest enhancements to the report please contact Christopher Lee.

Articles Unpaid

This page shows requests with the status of Copyright Approved in any given calendar year. This status is added by staff to mark an item as needing copyright payment in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance set. Staff can download this report and use it to purchase the articles from a publishing clearinghouse vendor either by sending the report to the vendor or by purchasing the items one-by-one.

Before purchasing articles, it is always a good idea to double check the report items not needing copyright payment that were accidently given the Copyright Approved status by staff or student employees. This could include items published more than 5 years ago or items owned by your library.

Since copyright payment through this method is outside of Alma, these requests will not disappear once paid for. Staff can either pay for the previous year’s copyright once they are in a new calendar year to prevent purchasing an item twice, or staff can manually add the prices for each item after they are paid for to the Shipping Cost field in each request. It is recommended to purchase articles through either the Article Galaxy or CCC cloud app to make it easier to process copyright and get the item to the staff faster. If all articles are purchased through a cloud app there should be no requests listed.

Book Chapters Unpaid

The Book Chapters Unpaid tab serves the same purpose as the Articles Unpaid tab, except that the items are book chapters.

Purchased Items

The Purchased Items tab shows requests purchased through the Article Galaxy or CCC cloud app. Since these items were already purchased they do not need additional copyright payment. This report shows each request and how much the library was charged for it.

At the bottom of this report is the yearly total of charges.

Purchased Monthly Totals

The final section of the dashboard shows a monthly overview of copyright approvals and purchases. The Approved Copyright table shows the number of items approved or purchased each month. The Rapido Purchase By Month table shows the number of purchases, supplying vendor, and total cost per month. Lastly, the Approved Copyright and Reprints Desk graph shows the same data as the Approved Copyright table, but in a visual format.