When searching for materials in Primo, patrons are often presented with multiple records for the same item but with different holdings. If patrons select a record with a Rapido Offer tile with loan periods and delivery times listed the request will go to a Rapido partner, but if they select a tile with no listed terms the request will be pushed to ILLiad. Staff will then process the request in ILLiad and may end up requesting from the same partners who would have filled the request in Rapido if the patron had simply selected a different record. The Enrich from Global Index workflow will stop requests from automatically going to ILLiad so staff can attach the request to a different record and process the request in Rapido.
Borrowing Mediation Rule
Most libraries in the CSU use ILLiad or WorldShare as a Partner of Last Resort. Libraries using a Partner of Last Resort will need to add a Borrowing Mediation Rule to stop requests from automatically going to ILLiad so they can be processed in Rapido first using the Enrich from Global Index function. To add the Borrowing Mediation Rule go to Configuration → Resource Sharing → Rapido Rules → Borrowing Mediation Rules. Select Add Rule to make the Borrowing Mediation Rule. The rule uses the following settings:
Borrowing Mediation Rule Editor
Name: Enrich from Global Index
Description: Stops requests from automatically going to ILLiad so another record can be used.
Input Parameters:
Name | Operator | Value |
Partner | In List | (Your ILLiad as Last Resort Partner) |
Labels | Not In List | ILLiad (or Approved) |
Output Parameters
Labels: Enrich
Action: (Leave Blank)
This rule will stop all requests trying to go to ILLiad as the Partner of Last Resort so staff can attach them to a different Global Index record to request from additional Rapido partners first. If the request still cannot be filled, it can be pushed to ILLiad by adding the escape parameter label. Most libraries are using an ILLiad label, but any label works as long as you add it to the Borrowing Mediation Rule under Labels → Not In List.
No Partner of Last Resort
A few CSU libraries do not use ILLiad or WorldShare as the Partner of Last Resort so the setup is a bit different. This setup is only for libraries who do not have a Partner of Last Resort setup. All other libraries skip to the Workflow section. Libraries without a Partner of Last Resort currently automatically cancel requests that aren’t filled and the patron is sent a link to request the item in ILLiad or WorldShare. To stop the requests from being cancelled, the library needs to turn off the configurations for the Auto Cancel Partner, Auto Cancel Rota, and Auto Cancel Rota Assignment Rule.
Auto Cancel Partner
In Alma, go to Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Partners and search for the IZ Auto-Cancel partner. Edit the partner and set it to inactive.
Auto Cancel Rota
In Alma, go to Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Rota Templates and find the IZ Auto Cancel Rota. Edit the Rota and set it to Inactive.
Auto Cancel Rota Assignment Rule
To shut off the Rota Assignment Rule go to Alma Configuration → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Rota Assignment Rules. Find the IZ Auto-Cancel Rule and toggle it from Enabled to Not Enabled.
Because no Borrowing Mediation Rule is being activated in this setup there is no Label to differentiate requests needing to use the Enrich from Global Index feature. Instead, you will look for items at the Created Borrowing Request status. I recommend making a set with the following filters to catch these requests:
Status: Created Borrowing Request
Activity Status: Active.
Save as a new set called Enrich from Global.
The Borrowing Mediation Rule will now stop requests trying to go to ILLiad for mediation. These requests will appear in your Awaiting Request Mediation set and will have the Enrich label from the Borrowing Mediation Rule Output Parameters and they will be at the Ready to be Sent status.
To attach the request to a record with potential partners click the ellipses (…) and select Enrich from Global Index.
After selecting Enrich from Global Index you will see a screen with the current information being searched in the Global Index for the request. Click the blue search text to edit the search. Some of the information in the search may be specific to the record currently being used to request the item. Since we want to use a different record for the same item we can delete some information that may not be listed in every record. Hover over a search item you want to delete and click X and Search.
You may want to remove multiple lines that some catalogers may not add to a record. Subtitles like the one listed above are also sometimes absent in a record, so they can be removed. In this example I only kept the Title and Author fields, and changed the title from “Ariadne: A Novel” to simply “Ariadne.”
Results matching the new search will now appear. To further improve the search you may use the filters on the side to limit the results to the correct Resource Type, Language, Publication Year, etc. For example, the patron requested the book and not the audio book of Ariadne. They also requested a copy in English. By selecting Resource Type = Books and Language = English and then clicking Apply I know all the results will match the patrons request.
As of the December 2023 update, clicking the record will show what pods have a book attached to that record and if it is currently Available. In the below example we can see that this record is held in multiple currently joined pods including the CSU Pod, US West Pod, and US Pod. This would be a great record to select and request from.
If a record is not held by a pod you are currently part of no pod information will be displayed. If a request with no pod info is selected then the request wont go to any pods and will continue to be stopped by the Borrowing Mediation Rule.
Check the Checkbox for the record with the listed pod information and click Select. This will populate Information from the new record to the Rapido request. At this stage it is recommended to remove the ISBN from items with multiple ISBNs to get the broadest access to results on the record. Click Recalculate Partner to send the request to the new record. A few things may happen at the next step.
Successfully Attached to a Rapido Partner
If the record you chose had Rapido partners with an available copy of the item the request will automatically go to that partner. Nothing left to do except wait for the item to arrive in the mail.
Request Still in Mediation
If the request still appears in the Awaiting Request Mediation set the selected record did not have any Rapido partners with an available copy. Click the ellipses (…) and Enrich from Global Index to try a different record until a Rapido partner is found or you feel all potential partners have been exhausted. This should happen less frequently after the November update.
Push to ILLiad
Once you feel no Rapido partners are able to fill the request it is time to try partners outside of Rapido. Add the label you configured as the escape label in the Borrowing Mediation Rule and refresh the page. The request should be sent to ILLiad.
If your library does not use the Borrowing Mediation Rule the requests are cancelled instead of being pushed to ILLiad or WorldShare.
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