ULMS Resource Sharing : I-SPIE

Interlibrary Services Partner Information Exchange (I-SPIE) is a community of California State University Interlibrary Services and Resource Sharing Departments. The group’s mission is to provide support, information, and cultivate relationships and knowledge sharing between Interlibrary Services Departments while promoting and advocating the Interlibrary Services profession.

I-SPIE is currently composed of all 23 campuses within the CSU system and invites other contributing members.

During the pandemic, I-SPIE started sharing information online through I-SPIE TV.

I-SPIE Conference Host Sign Up

Please consider hosting the I-SPIE Conference so we can all see your amazing library! Hosting the conference is a rewarding experience that helps you get more involved in the community, develops skills, and is fun! Filling out the form is not a commitment to be the host, but a commitment to be open to the idea and have the conversation with I-SPIE committees and your library administration.

I-SPIE Conference


Committee Sign Up


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