To be able to deliver articles through Rapido you need to first configure RapidILL into Alma. The following instructions are primarily taken from the Ex Libris Knowledgebase but with some CSU recommended settings and clarifications.
Alma Menu Settings
The first few settings will be made on the main Alma page and not in configuration. You will need the Resource Sharing Partners Manager role to make the RapidILL partner and rota.
RapidILL as a Resource Sharing Partner
The first step is to add RapidILL as a partner in Alma. Go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners > Add a Partner to get started. For the following fields input the following settings:
General Settings
Code: RapidILL
Name: Rapid ILL
Profile Type: RapidILL
System Type: RapidILL
Status: Active
Supports Borrowing: Check
Supports Lending: Check
Borrowing Workflow: Borrowing NZ workflow
Lending Workflow: Lending NZ workflow
URL: Automatically generates so leave as is
Username: The username used to log in to
Password: The password to log in to
Requesting Rapid Code: The library code listed in the Rapid Directory for your library
Likely the 3 digit OCLC code your ILL department already uses
Requesting Branch Name: The name of your receiving library in the Rapid Directory
May be the name of your library or “Main Library”
Default Library Owner: The Alma library your library uses for Resource Sharing
RapidILL Rota Template
You now have a partner, but you need to put it in a Rota. Go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Templates > Add a Template and put in the following settings:
General Information
Code: RapidILL
Name: Rapid ILL
Type: Ordered
Status: Active
Template Members
Click Add Partners and select the Rapid ILL partner.
Alma Configuration Settings
For the rest of the steps you will need to go to Alma Configuration and will need the Fulfillment Administrator or General System Administrator role.
RapidILL Rota Assignment Rule
Go to Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Assignment Rules > Add Rule to create the RapidILL article rule. Input the following settings:
Name: Rapid ILL for digital
Add Parameter:
Name: Requested Format
Operator: =
Value: Digital
Rota Templates: RapidILL
Sending Borrowing Request Rules
Go to Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing >Sending Borrowing Request Rules > Add Rule to create the RapidILL borrowing request rule. Input the following settings:
Name: Send to Rapid
Add Parameter:
Name: Partner
Operator: =
Value: Rapid ILL
Send Request: True
Other Settings
Go to Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings and make sure the following Parameter Keys have the following Parameter Values:
rapidill_extended_borrowing_integration: true
rapidill_extended_integration: true
borrower_document_delivery_send_automatically: true
borrower_document_delivery_maximum_views: 10
document_delivery_cleanup_days: 30