Alma Configuration → Resource Sharing → Members
Member Attributes
This section allows you to add or change the basic information about your library. You can change your address, library name, or set your status to inactive in Rapido from this tab.
Physical Items and Lending Policies
Select the Physical Items and Lending Policies tab and make sure Supplies physical items is checked. Add or edit the Participating Items to select what item types are available for resource sharing through Rapido. You can select items by Material Type, Item Policy, or Location. Many libraries are already set up to allow all items at certain locations participate in resource sharing, so you will likely want to select items from the Location list.
After the item policy is made you can determine which Rapido pod rules you want those items to follow. Just below the Participating Items section is the Physical Items Lending Policies. Select Add Physical Lending Policy and select the Participating Items group you want the rule to impact. You can then make rules that items from that location will have a specific checkout length if they go to a specific state or country, if you will charge for those ILL, or if renewals are allowed.
Borrowing Policies
In this section you can set your Pod Priority by dragging the list of pods up and down with the first priority at the top. We recommend the following order:
California State University
United States
This will ensure requests will borrow from within the CSU+ pod first, then the United States Pod, and finally the International pod. As new pods are created this list will be changed.
Under Special Borrowing Policies per User Group you can set different policies for different user groups. For example, you can say that Faculty should prioritize requesting from libraries based on the longest loan period instead of which pod the owning library belongs to.