ULMS Resource Sharing : Reprints Desk Cloud App Workflow

The Reprints Desk app, officially called the Article Galaxy Add-On, is finally live and confirmed working! After you get it configured using the instructions on the Reprints Desk Cloud App Configuration page you will be ready to use the app. This page walks you through the workflow.

Using the App

You can use the app on any article on the Borrowing side of Alma, but it is recommended to use it on items in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance set as a way of paying copyright up front.

Go to the Awaiting Copyright Clearance set and look at the request to determine if it is indeed an item you need to purchase or pay copyright on using your libraries copyright policies (such as CONTU). If you need to pay copyright, select the Cloud App Center icon and the Article Galaxy Add-On app. The app will instantly search all the requests on the page and display the price for a PDF copy. If you want to purchase a PDF click Request PDF $XX.XX. If you refresh or reload the webpage the request will disappear because the app will automatically update the request status to Request Sent to Partner.

Reprints Desk will process the request and send it to Rapido where it will automatically be delivered to the patron the same way articles are delivered from other libraries. There is no need for further processing.

Reprints Desk Price Tracking

An analytics widget tracking how much you have spent through Reprints Desk is nearly done being developed and instructions on adding the widget will be put here. The widget will be shared through the Cal State Analytics folder so other libraries can use it.

Reprints Desk Invoice

Reprints Desk will send a monthly invoice of all the articles you have purchased through the app. Reprints Desk is not a subscription service, if you go a month without using them you wont be charged anything. The charges for Reprints Desk are the copyright fee agreed upon with the articles publisher and a small processing fee.
