If the shipping address appearing on your shipping labels is incorrect you may want to update your Alma Shipping Address. This is different from the Rapido Member Address, which has led to some miscommunications about what to update.

Library Shipping Address

To edit the library shipping address used for Resource Sharing go to Alma Configuration → (Change your Configuring library to your Resource Sharing Library) → Fulfillment → Library Management → Library Details and select the Contact Information tab. The address used by Rapido is whatever address and email are selected as the “Shipping” address.

If the existing address is used by other areas of the library you may need to make a new address and mark it as the “Shipping” address. Select + Add Address to make a new address just for Resource Sharing and unmark shipping in the main library address.

You may also want to make a “Shipping” email just for Rapido as well.

It may take some time for the new address to begin appearing in paperwork. If it doesn’t appear on paperwork by the next day please contact the Resource Sharing Manager.
