eOn this page I will add workflows for how to handle problem requests.
Received - Not For Loan
If you attempt to receive an item from another library and get a blank popup and notice that printing has failed, the item will also likely have the status Received - not for loan. There are currently two known triggers for this status. The most likely trigger is that the item was delayed somehow and the due date has already passed. If you still want to deliver the book you can change the due date and re-receive the item. Please note that the due date you add will be the due date for the patron. To update the due date go to Edit on the request and scroll down to the due date.
The other reason you may receive this status is the Lending Library went non-lending before processing the book for shipping. In this case the request will need to be completed and then duplicated. If the request is from another CSU library you can contact Chris Lee to recreate the request. If the materials came from outside the CSU you will need to contact the other library to coordinate “returning” the item and recreating the request. The third option is to return the item and request from a different library.
Accidental Return
Sometimes an item is accidentally returned in Alma and it needs to be un-returned so it can be checked out to the patron. You can revive a returned request with just a few steps. The first step is to manually change the status to Request Completed. Afterwards, refresh the page.
Once the request has a status of Request Completed a new option will appear under the ellipses (…) menu. You can now select the Reactivate option to revive the request to a point before the book was checked out.
Selecting Reactivate will cause a pop up to appear with options for how you want to revive the request. You will want to leave Reactivate Loan unchecked. Checking this will check out the item to the patron, but will not change the status to Loaned Item To Patron. You will want to leave Send General Message checked. This will send a General Message to the Lending library to notify them the request has been reactivated.
The request is now Reactivated and can be checked out to the patron using normal workflows.
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