Your library may need to shut down Rapido lending or borrowing if your library is unexpectedly closed or experiencing other extenuating circumstances.
Role required: General Systems Administrator
Turn Off Resource Sharing Lending or Borrowing
1. Open the configuration menu and from the dropdown pick the library designated as your resource sharing library. In most cases this will be the Main Library NOT the "Resource Sharing" library.
You can tell which library is your resource sharing library by opening the Library Details and scrolling down to the Resource Sharing Information section. If "Is resource sharing library" is checked, this is the one you want to edit. If it's not, try a different library.
2. If you haven't already, select the Library Details option. Scroll down the screen to Borrowing Setup or Lending Setup (depending on which you want to turn off).
3. Check the box for Temporary Inactive for borrowing or Temporary inactive for lending. If appropriate select a date range for borrowing or lending to remain inactive. If the dates of your inactivity are undetermined leave the date range blank. Save.
There is a similar checkbox on the library details page for borrowing that you can check if you need to turn off CSU+ borrowing:
To move along lending requests won't get processed
If there are lending requests in your queue that arrived prior to being marked inactive and will not be processed you will want to reject them so they move to the next partner immediately instead of sitting in the queue for 4 days until it expires and then moving to the next partner in the rota.
Filter the lending queue to requests with a Being Processed status. Select the all the requests using the Select All checkbox and use the Change Status option to select "Rejected the borrower request".
Turning everything back on again
If you have not set a date range you will need to activate lending or borrowing again by un-checking the Temporary inactive box. Save. You're now back in business.
See the Ex Libris Online Help Section Configuring Parameters of a Resource Sharing Library for more description and fuller screenshots of the Library Details section.
Turn Off RapidILL Lending
Rapido settings only impact the physical item pods. To turn off lending for article and book chapter requests you will need to go nonlending in RapidILL. To turn of lending for RapidILL log in to the RapidILL website (RapidILL :: Login ) and input your libraries username and password. Once you have logged in go to Settings → Lending Off Hours and click Add New Time. Schedule the timeframe you want to go nonlending and click save. Lending will resume automatically when the timeframe ends.
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