WorldShare can be used as the Partner of Last Resort with Rapido instead of ILLiad. Once WorldShare and Rapido are connected, requests not available from a Rapido partner can be pushed to WorldShare so staff can search for the item using OCLC’s network. If your library has already set up ILLiad as the Partner of Last Resort the setup will be very similar.

Before you begin configuration you will need an API Key from OCLC to connect WorldShare to Rapido. Follow OCLC’s directions for the ILL Request Transfer Service.


The first step to adding WorldShare as the Partner of Last Resort is to add WorldShare as a partner in Rapido. In Alma, go to Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Partners and select +Add Partner.

General Information Tab

On the General Information tab add the following settings:


Profile Type: NCIP

System Type: WorldShare ILL

Average Supply Time: 0

Currency: (Leave blank)

Locate Profile: (Leave blank)

Default Partner: (blue star)

Supports Borrowing: (blue star)

Supports Lending: (blue star)

New Request Alert: (blue star)

Enable Direct Charge Functionality: (blue star)

Name: WorldShareILL

Status: Active

Delivery Delay (Days): 7

Alternate Symbol: (Leave blank)

Borrowing Workflow: Borrowing NZ workflow

Lending Workflow: Lending NZ Workflow

After filling out the General Information tab, proceed to the Parameters tab.

Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab is much more complicated than the General Information tab, but it is nearly identicle to the ILLiad partner Parameters tab, so you can refer to your specific settings there if you previously used ILLiad as the Partner of Last Resort. On the Parameters tab add the following settings:

General Information

User Identifier Type: Primary Identifier

URL Template: (Leave blank)

Enable Service For Guest User: No

Disable Service When: Never

Loan Period: 112

Request Pushing Method: Link

Broker System NCIP URL: (Leave blank)

Default Library Owner: University Library

Request Item

Bibliographic Record ID Type: OCLC Number

Default Location: (Your library’s Resource Sharing location)

Support Borrowing: (blue star)

Default Pickup Library: (Your library’s Circulation Library)

Check-Out Item

Default Location: (Your library’s Resource Sharing location)

Default Item Policy: (Your Library’s Resource Sharing policy)

Accept Item

Default Location: (Your library’s Resource Sharing location)

Automatic Receive: (blue star)

Default Pickup Library: (Your library’s Circulation Library)

Look Up User

Require Authentication: No

Export To Third Party

Export to Third Party: Yes

API Key: (Paste the API Key supplied by OCLC after filling out the ILL Request Transfer Service Form)

Send Requester Information: (blue star)

Close Request When Exported: (blue star)

Server: (Paste the server address supplied by OCLC after filling out the ILL Request Transfer Service Form)

Request Agency ID: OCLC-(your OCLC symbol)

Create User Fiscal Transaction

Create Fee Using: Ignore Message

Click Save and you now have WorldShare as a partner in Rapido.


To use the WorldShare partner in an automated process you need to set up a Rota for the partner. The set up for this is almost exactly like the configuration for the ILLiad as Partner of Last Resort. Go to Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Rota Templates and select + Add Template to begin. Add the following information under General Information:


Type: Non Ordered

Locally Manage Rapido Pod: (blue star)

Name: WorldShare ILL

Status: Active

Click Save and Add Members once you have added the above information.

On the next page you will connect the WorldShare Partner to the WorldShare Rota. Click + Add Partners and select the WorldShare Partner you created in the previous step. Click Select and Add Partners to add the Partner to the List. Click Save to finish creating the Rota.

Image of WorldShare being added to the Rota.

Rota Assignment Rule

The next step is to add a Rota Assignment Rule to let Alma know when to use the Rota. go to Alma Configuration → Fulfillment → Resource Sharing → Rota Assignment Rules to add the rule. Click + Add Rule to configure the rule and add the following information.

Rota Assignment Rules

Name: WorldShare Partner

Description: WorldShare ILL as last resort.

Input parameters




Requested Format

Is Not Empty


Output Parameters

Rota Templates: WSILL

Click Save to add the Rota Assignment Rule.

Borrowing Mediation Rule

Lastly you will want to add or update the Enrich From Global Index Borrowing Mediation Rule to control when items are sent to WorldShare. This rule will allow you to try to fill requests using additional duplicate records in Rapido before sending the request to WorldShare. To add the rule to to Alma Configuration → Resource Sharing → Rapido Rules → Borrowing Mediation Rules and select + Add Rule. Add the following to the rule:

Borrowing Mediation Rule Editor

Name: Enrich From Global Index

Description: Lets staff control when requests go to WorldShare.

Input Parameters





In List



Not In List


Output Parameters

Labels: Enrich

Action: -

Click Save and you have successfully added WorldShare ILL as the Partner of Last Resort.
