Created by Christopher Bulock (Unlicensed) on Oct 09, 2017
Introductory meeting
Discussion items
Communications Channels
We may look at consolidating multiple slack channels
Still using tech services ulms email list
Luiz continuing to run open forums, and we will participate
For communication within this group, we'll primarily use email and meet monthly
Wiki Page
Create a new page and hotlink to relevant and current documentation so people don’t have to dig for it
Keep Acq/ERM separate from Resource Management
Put the most important/pertinent stuff up front, in bold!
Keeping the wiki clean, relevant and up to date will be a big priority for the group.
NZ Collection ordering
Opt-ins renewing July 1 have been the main focus; functionality has been a problem
Mallory has been working on ECC, just to get them in there
JH is getting SDLC involved in entering license details
Ordering on JH’s can’t be completed unless the sharing works; they’ve run it up the development chain to ensure FT can be shared the same way databases are