Created by Christopher Bulock (Unlicensed), last modified by Kirstie Genzel (Unlicensed) on Sep 07, 2018
Discussion items
Re-cap Summer Meeting
Review the sessions from the summer meeting. Gather feedback to share with Steering Committee.
Feedback was generally positive for day 2, just so-so for day 1. We'd like to see more sessions that allow different functional areas to come together, as well as more opportunities for drop-in sessions.
Review the questions Wendy forwarded from Anthony Andora
Does reporting period matter when uploading Counter reports? Answer: No
Can we upload a single report with multiple months worth of data? Answer: Yes.
Cost per usage data
Zero usage and estimated data
What does Alma count as use in its cost per us reports?
Might be better directed to the Analytics working group if we can't come up with the answer
Come up with 2-3 main goals for the Acq/ERM group for this year. Will submit to Steering Committee.
We’re interested in conducting a climate survey related to how campuses have dealt with the shift in Acq/ERM, and even RM to an extent, workflows and responsibilities since the migration to Alma.
There’s been a lot of interest in trying to collaborate more with other functional area working groups. Perhaps have a cross-functional in person session at upcoming training events.
Along the lines of what was discussed in one of the RM sessions at the Summer Training, we’d be interested in working on some sort of “New Hire” welcome manual/training plan for Acq/ERM staff.