ULMS Steering Committee : 2019-09-13 ULMS Steering Committee Meeting





  • Discuss priorities for 2019-2020 at the Functional Committees and the Steering Committee

  • Determine agenda topics for future meetings.

Meeting Notes

Available on Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WFrM8fwnqYqXlvm8D5s7DwYUrv4WxIOd_-fRNreoe9k/edit?usp=sharing

Discussion topics






Welcome & New Member

John Wenzler (Unlicensed)

Welcome Andrew Carlos, East Bay, as the new Discovery Committee Chair



John Wenzler (Unlicensed) brandon dudley (Unlicensed) David Walker

  • Brandon’s Status going forward

  • Ex Libris Contract Renewal Date

  • New Policy Page on Confluence

  • Committee Membership Changes

  • Other Updates …


Functional Committee Reports & Goals


Acquisitions (Linda)

  • We have made plans to do an TS Open Forum on “Alma to PeopleSoft Financial Integration “ that will involve demonstrations from three different campuses: San Marcos, Pomona and San Jose. We just finalized a date it will be November 7th.

  • We have done our introductions/goals/concerns and the PS integration was the 1st thing we wanted to work on. We also want to look further into encumbrances. However we know both of these issues are a campus decision. We just want to be a source of information.

Analytics & Assessment (Brian)

Analytics & Assessment will be focusing on usage stats this year during the transition to COUNTER5. Along with curation guidelines for existing and migrated data we will be evaluating SUSHI utilization across the system with an eye toward developing reports for evaluating usage on a broad basis. We will continue to update and develop established reports and dashboards as needed while providing targeted assistance via Slack.

Resource Management (Israel)


  • Committee members who presented, or moderated, at the Summer Meeting: Lia Ryland (San Francisco), Mark Braden (Los Angeles), Julie Moore (Fresno), and Israel Yanez (Sacramento).

  • Other presenters in the Resource Management track: Pam Anan (Pomona), Luiz Mendes (Northridge), Samuel Barber (Fullerton), and Patrick Flanigan (San Diego).

  • With input from the NZ Management Group, the committee has decided to ask campuses to localize records that do not comply with the language of cataloging policy. Israel will present on how to identify problem NZ records, and how to run an unlinking job at the next TS Open Forum, 9/12.

  • An issue arose recently that may not have been widely known. There is a collection discovery issue in Primo for shared environments (i.e. consortiums). When a campus creates a collection (not to be confused with an electronic collection) in Alma, there is currently no way to localize discovery in Primo. Consequently, all campuses who have enabled collection discovery in Primo would see every Alma collection across all campuses. If there is more expressed interest among the CSU campuses in implementing Alma collections, we may seek to encourage Ex Libris to make this feature work for consortiums. Ex Libris documentation: Managing Collections.

  • The committee reviewed the Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL) technical report on their recent cooperative technical services pilot. While the CSU does not have a central tech services staff that would mirror the CUWL, the Resource Management Functional Committee members feel that we can still think of ways where we can benefit from centralized efforts in the area of resource management. The goal is to focus on collaboration.


The committee will continue to support resource management staff across the CSU by reviewing best practices and policies as needed, and providing direct assistance upon request. The committee will support the work of, and collaborate with, the NACO funnel project, the NZ Management Group, and the Release Notes group. We plan to start thinking strategically about how we can work more collaboratively and effectively as a consortium in the area of resource management.

ERM (Dolly)

  • Conduct an inventory of all ERM information (confluence, slack, listserv, etc), organize that information, and create a maintenance schedule.

  • Investigate how we can address accessibility of databases as a consortia.

Resource Sharing (Joe)

At ULMS Summer Meeting the Resource Sharing Functional Committee presented on some of the things that they had been working on over the last year. Presenters included Isabel Mascorro (Northridge), Karla Salinas (Dominguez Hills), Natalya Magazino (San Marcos), Joe Adkins (San Francisco) and Chancellor’s Office Ex Officio Mallory DeBartolo. Some of the topics included Analytics Reports for Resource Sharing that had been developed over the last year and an item condition best practices and workflow aiming to add a quality control element to items lent through CSU+. The item condition thing was the result of a joint project between Fulfilment and Resource Sharing Functional Committees. At the ULMS Summer Meeting group discussion we discussed the idea of seeking improving the scheme for CSU+ loan periods, either making them longer or allowing for renewals. There was a lot of anecdotal evidence of patrons having to request the same book they had in hand over and over because they couldn’t renew. There was also anecdotal evidence of patrons keeping CSU+ items long after they were due because they couldn’t renew. One of the priorities and goals of the RSFC for the coming year is to try to uncover data through analytics to support the anecdotal evidence that the current CSU+ loan period scheme is suboptimal. An anticipated difficult area for this project is how to deal with media items.

A second goal the RSFC has set and made progress toward is improving communication and engagement with the people in our functional area. RSFC had developed and implemented a CSU+ Tip email system that will periodically mass email a CSU+ workflow tip to our listservs. And there is also I-SPIE TV, which is a bit difficult to explain in a short paragraph, but we hope that it will improve communication and engagement with the people in our functional area. We also recently had a drive to improve campus spirit in CSU+ by adding campus logos to paging slips and stickers.

Over the past year there has also been an ongoing process of improving communication and service from our courier.

Fulfillment (Kevin)

The Fulfillment Functional Committee will hold its next Open Forum on 10/17. Topics will include discussing Alma new release highlights, purging users and editing Letters.

In the ULMS Summer Training general meeting last month, many ideas were discussed for future open forum demos as well as sharing of interesting/best practices. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo discussed their textbook give back program, CSULA shared how they incorporate surveys into their notices, and many CSU’s discussed budgets for their Course Reserves and identifying bottleneck courses. Committee member Jamie Lamberti from SFSU presented on Fulfillment Analytics, Kevin Phillips and Jeremy Vall from CSUF presented on 2 inventory models and Joanna Kimmitt from CSUDH presented on Student/Staff onboarding.

Added Course Reserve Workflow to Fulfillment wiki.

Currently interviewing all Course Reserves Coordinators to do an environmental scan of what practices are currently being employed throughout the system. We are attempting to find commonalities/differences between the campuses and also identify unique practices that could be employed at other campuses. This includes identifying bottleneck courses and working with the bookstore to fill these needs, how departments budget for textbook purchases, student textbook donation programs, etc. This also dovetails with a paper that was written in the committee last year regarding Student Success and the Library

Discovery (Andrew)

  1. Develop a structure for supporting smaller campuses/campuses without developers with their technology needs

    1. A list of Experts and what they are experts in?

    2. A structure for volunteering and contributing to coding/development work

    3. What other training needs are there that the Discovery Working Group can fulfill?

  2. Open Forums Structure:

    1. Code Sharing - to share out the work that others are doing to improve their Primo interfaces

    2. Drop in session for Q and A

  3. Work with reference and instruction librarians on pain points around Primo

    1. Revive Outreach and Instruction Task Force

  4. Things to watch out for the upcoming year

    1. Migration to Central Discovery Index - around February 2020

    2. General release of the new uResolver


2019/20 Priorities


Before the meeting, each member will write two paragraphs on their takeaways from the Northridge Meeting: Paragraph 1) Goals and Objectives for my functional committee: Paragraph 2) Goals and objectives for the Steering committee. We’ll discuss.

Potential Steering Committee Priorities

  • ULMS Policies – Clarifying approval process? Clarifying whether campuses are required to implement. (Linda + John + Joe)

  • Harness our collective power to encourage Ex Libris to take functionality for consortiums into account when developing new features. (Israel)

  • Continue to work collaboratively and effectively across functional areas. (Israel + Joe) – Examples of cross functional opportunities: CSU+ Loan Terms & Collaborative Collection Development.

  • Salesforce cases with developmental fix planned but not addressed within a year (Dolly)

  • Identify and encourage publishers/access providers to work with Ex Libris to add or improve their collections/metadata to the knowledgebase. (Dolly)

  • Identify areas of possible CSU-Wide Collaboration (John)

  • Evaluate add-ons to the ULMS such as Leganto and Esploro for broader adoption (John)

  • Floating Collections (John)

  • Course Reserves Environmental Scan (Kevin)

  • Vet discussion topics for use with the upcoming contract negotiation talks with ExL (Brandon)

  • Propose solutions to issues under discussion by COLD and other COLD committees that would benefit from ULMS data or functionality (Brandon)

  • Prioritize future systemwide directions and/or ideas for exploration from the ULMS committees for consideration by COLD and the campuses (Brandon)


Agenda Setting

John Wenzler (Unlicensed)

List of topics to cover in future meetings

Action items

