just working out the logistics of who signs the agreement
Editing ULMS Committee charge
At our last meeting, Ilda asked about adding a line about ”educating library staff/faculty” to the committee charge.
Any thoughts?
Charge needs to be amended to reflect the current committee configuration.
Committee Business
Standardize Alma User Groups request
Christina, Kelly Ann, Christian and Brandon met to discuss the request to examine what this might take. After discussion, it is the opinion of this group that there might be benefits to standardizing user group labels, codes, or both.
However, at this time we think we should postpone looking into this issue further to a later date in recognition of the work currently on the collective plates of the campuses and the potential for substantial additional work needed to standardize user groups.
If you want to learn more about how this all works our Cataloging Metadata Strategies Librarian Greta Heng is giving a whole presentation on it December 9th at the IGELU Linked Data Townhall meeting, and the registration is here: you can also ask her questions about it directly at gheng@sdsu.edu
ULMS Assessment & Analytics met October 18, 2021 11am-noon
Presentation by Christina Hennessey about changes Ex Libris is considering to the Analytics presentation inside of Alma (from a October 12, 2021 presentation to the ELUNA/IGeLU Analytics Community of Practice), got feedback from committee to take back to the October Analytics Community of Practice meeting
Other updates from Analytics Community of Practice (COP) such as the Inconsistent Facets report. The Events subject area is no longer going away December 2021 (it was going to be succeeded by the new “Systems Events” area, which was missing a lot that Events had) and the project is being revised by Ex Libris in conjunction with the Analytics COP.
Continuing plans and discussion to update committee wiki, Analytics shared folders, and ACRL reports. We may have a CSU Analytics drop-in lab day in January 2022, where folks can bring their Analytics questions and the committee will work on them live.
The Discovery Functional Committee held an Open Forum on 10/8, 2021 at 1pm.
Open forum topics were provided by the discovery community via survey.
Christian Ward reviewed ways to view PNX data and reminded the group that we are now fully live with Primo VE; new issues should be brought to the ULMS community or addressed with Ex Libris.
Presentation by Christian Ward on Primo VE Relevancy Ranking covering the topics: boosting records in a blended search, adjusting ranking configuration, and boost versus de-boosts.
Presentation from Christine Holmes on setting up Unpaywall in Primo VE. SJSU, CSUN, CSULB, and SFSU each shared their experiences setting up the integration. Gabriel Gardner suggested to revisit usage statistics later in the academic year to determine the impact of Unpaywall on user interaction and back-end statistics.
Samuel Barber provided a summary document of Dedup/FRBR related issues that campuses have encountered in Primo VE. Related to the customer feedback survey, Brandon Dudley asked for feedback from campuses who experience Dedup/FRBR issues. A dedicated email was sent to the discovery list soliciting Dedup/FRBR feedback to Brandon.
The next DFC meeting is scheduled for 11/12 at 1pm.
After Jess’s testing, collections coming from NZ sandbox, don’t forget in further testing that the NZ and IZ are linked up.
Not a lot of ebooks. SpringerLinks got a lot of hits for ebooks.
Goal to cut down on support cases.
Could not find ebooks at all.
Live date: TBA
Track usage in Analytics? Jessica will ask.
Send permalinks.
Hybrid CDI collections:
Do we want to test and report back to Tech Services in Open Forum? Sort of like what the Monthly Release group does.
I haven’t looked at any of these new hybrid, in fact I haven’t seen the new hybrid indicator on the NZ collections yet. Might need to do testing in IZ if they hybrid indicator has shown up. It was supposed to be there in the September 26th CDI weekly update.
The one I set up in September, ERIC, caused a lot of linking issues so I’m not sure if hybrid is working correctly in the NZ.
Supposed to be live.
Look at the list of collections that are hybrid, change yes to no “We subscribe to all of these titles”
ProQuest, need proquest ID.
If you see it working, want to show it in an open forum.
Change aggregators to “No” for hybrid CDI collections.
Roll out should have been louder, if we can find it working, share it in an open forum.
Open Forum: CDI hybrid label. by now label should be there.
Be aware that we may have some, Jessica is not making that change, it’s a lot of records.
EBSCO Linking:
Some users using ezproxy are seeing the attached error. The only way to get around it is to use VPN. Is this happening at everyone's campus? To what extent? Any workaround? We have now been getting 10-20 complaints per week.
Proxy link is getting dropped.
EBSCO changes, authentication error.
If you see message: “We found a match. Your institution does not have access rights to this item. Search EBSCO or sign in under a different institution.” Send to Jessica.
CDI course reserve lacking icon
Frances has mentioned this previously. I reached out to CSU SB and they decided not to implement a workaround. Our campus would like to try a workaround as the Librarians want Leganto reserves to match onesearch. For the ebooks I get just activating an IZ copy. But how can we get articles into our IZ to be able to link to reserves?
Using Leganto, wants OneSearch course reserve to match Leganto.
NZ ebooks, copy to catalog, have IZ copy. No way to do it with an article. Frances and Shaunt have this issue.
The FFC is meeting on a bi-weekly basis. Currently we are working on:
Sent out FFC Reopening and COVID Survey to Access Services listserv
We will be sending out a summary of results to help Access Services folks better handle their reopening with new policies (i.e. mask policies, showing COVID health screening to use library, and noncompliance)
Working on a survey to send out to CSUs about Leganto to see who is using it and how; also if anyone has questions on Leganto
Planning on having 1-2 libraries demo their versions of Leganto in an Open Forum
Continuing review of wiki for updates or new how-to guides
The Resource Management Functional Committee met on October 5. Our next meeting is on November 2.
The ULMS Resource Management Functional Committee met October 5, 2021 from 1-2 PM.
As discussed at the meeting, Brinna Pam Anan will serve as Chair as of October 14, 2021.
The https://spaces.calstate.edu/wiki/spaces/URM/pages/2473033729 Confluence page is being updated with the local fields used by various campuses. Keeping track will help campuses decide on which fields to use for their local records to be as consistent as possible across all Alma/Primo VE instances.
Thanks to Lia, the Inclusive Description Task Force is ready for recruitment. The plan is to recruit about 5-7 people through the various mailing lists (Tech Services, Discovery, Access, Analytics). Brandon offered to recruit through ULMS Announce to reach anyone not on those mailing lists. Recruitment will scheduled to take place at the end of October or early November.
There was a short discussion about WorldShare Record Manager, but no testing as of yet as OCLC has not responded to the request to have Record Manager added to accounts. The Chair will inquire again to restart this conversation.
The RSFC is scheduled to meet biweekly and currently working on
Checking in with the community of practice regarding library re-openings.
Thinking about the physical, logistical, and emotional adjustment of operating the library.
RSFC is looking to provide a safe space to listen to its constituents and identify what type of support the RSFC can provide.
We will be facilitating a Witching Hour zoom social last week of October.
Continuing to establish UC/CSU reciprocal resource sharing agreements.
RSFC member met with Unity to address outstanding concerns regarding inconsistencies of delivery windows at some campus. Unity is working towards hiring additional driver(s).
RSFC continuing discussions about (1) UC Reciprocal Agreements and (2) Unity courier stops. More UCs in our courier route facilitates the logistics of mailing ( e.g. less packing material costs for us to buy, courier is faster than the current USPS).
Many if not all CSU campuses with 2 stops gave up the 2nd stop to allocate funding for more UC schools in our courier route.
This paves the way for the reciprocity agreements among the CSUs and UCs.
It reduces logistical frictions of mailing and IFM billing, further paving the way for the Rapido implementation.
Rapido’s efficiency (Ex Libris’ rival to OCLC’s ILLiad) depends on a strong network of reciprocal agreements.