The ULMS Assessment & Analytics Committee has not scheduled a meeting for December 2021 yet due to schedule conflict for our regular December meeting, and the need to review survey results later in the month.
Accomplishments this month:
Finished designing Analytics survey with two parts – questions for the Ex Libris support annual satisfaction survey for chairs to determine the top Analytic concerns of the CSUs, and questions about the type of event the ULMS group should hold in 2022 to best serve the CSUs Analytics needs. Survey was distributed December 2, 2021 to the listserv and #analytics Slack channel and will close December 15, at which point the group will review the results to determine the top issues for the chair survey results, and to start designing our 2022 event(s). Please fill out the survey if you have not yet at:
There is no update on the renaming and deletion of Shared Folders in the Analytics area. Ex Libris is investigating the problem. We have deleted folders as instructed and they reappear each week during the Friday Analytics server sync. The committee apologizes for the delay and confusion in this work as there are now two copies of similar folders in this area. Please reach out to the committee if you are not sure which updated folders to use.
Wiki page content update: a new design layout and organization for the wiki page has been created. The DFC will survey the discovery group in January for feedback and suggestions on the new design.
Primo VE Satisfaction Survey: the DFC surveyed the discovery group about Primo VE issues and satisfaction and will; compile the results later in December. Final results will be submitted to Brandon in early January.
The DFC hosted the next Discovery Open Forum (12/10/2021), topics covered include:
Quick Tip: Managing the Primo VE customization package on a Mac OS using the command line and zip to exclude the .DS_Store files that cause issues with Alma.
CSU Primo Search Scope Analysis Results: Gabriel Gardner and Heather Cribbs presented findings on a CSU-wide analysis of Primo search scopes. The findings suggest that less scopes are more helpful for users, and most users do not sign in to use Primo. Full report details available in February 2022.
ScholarWorks records in Primo VE: Brandon Dudley has configured campus VE instances to show ScholarWorks records as per each campus's preferred setup response. Documentation has been added to the Discovery Wiki.
Primo VE Updates: Brandon Dudley will continue to send Primo VE feature updates to the Discovery Listserv, but the DFC would like to know if other communication options would be helpful for campuses to stay informed about new Primo VE features. The group is fine with the current process, but the DFC may feature new Primo VE updates as a regular part of open forums.
Last but not least, I forgot to share the ExL satisfaction survey, please fill it out by December 17, 2021! I’ll analyze and compile the results and send it over to Brandon.
The ULMS Resource Management Functional Committee met Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 1-2 PM.
ULMS RMFC meetings are still scheduled monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 1-2 PM for 2022. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 1 PM.
The Inclusive Description Task Force has a Chair and four others interested. Work would potentially begin in January 2022.
The Linked Data Task Force also has two Co-Chairs and seven others interested. Work would potentially begin in January 2022. Task Force reports will be submitted to the RMFC on a monthly basis.
The ULMS Resource Management Satisfaction 2021 Survey went out on Monday, November 29 with a close date of Friday, December 10.
The RMFC approved the NZ Management's Group's suggestion to go with SAC's recommended subject headings of "undocumented immigrants" and "noncitizens" over LC's "noncitizens" and "illegal immigration."
The RMFC is still on board with the NZ refresh, but Ex Libris and other consortium will be consulted to check for any unwanted effects or consequences of an NZ refresh as it's never been done before in the CSU NZ.
For the RSFC, we thank Karla for her leadership and time thus far but she had to step away from working on the committee. This departure left some holes that have been filled.
Meghann has moved from the vice chair role into the role of chair,
Tina from Chico has taken on the role of vice chair
Stacy from Fullerton has joined the team
The RSFC held an open forum on 12/14 to collect and review feedback from the satisfaction survey.