ULMS Steering Committee : 2022-02-16 ULMS Steering Committee Meeting Agenda





Brandon's Zoom - https://calstate.zoom.us/my/bdudley


Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) David Walker Nerissa Lindsey (Unlicensed) Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed) Christian Ward (Unlicensed) Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed) Kelly Ann Sam (Unlicensed) Brinna Pam Anan (Unlicensed) Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics






Call To Order

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


COLD Update

Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed)
David Walker

Brandon shared with COLD the ULMS Satisfaction Survey report. COLD completed the selection of implementation phase for Rapido for each campus. The COLD Bylaws Task Force continues its work but no draft for the Committees section is available yet. It will be shared with this group when available. COLD will meet virtually next week (not in person) so there will be more to report at the March meeting.


Satisfaction Survey/ExL Updates

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Report to Ex Libris sent Monday.


Committee Check-in

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

How are your committees doing?


Committee Business


  • Recommendation for SAC subject headings - Pam

  • Archival field issue in NZ records - Pam


Big Idea

Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed)

Committee Updates

Assessment & Analytics

Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed)

  1. The group has been continuing to help libraries and individual librarians with their ACRL/IPED reports (due Feb 2022) and various Analytics questions from email and Slack. Keep them coming!

  2. Ex Libris continues to work on the issues with deleted items out of the Analytics Shared Folders reappearing the next week. Once this work is resolved, we can continue cleaning up this area again. 

  3. We will start planning the ULMS Analytics training and webinars for the summer soon. Thanks to everyone that filled out our survey!

  4. There are very few upcoming Analytics webinars or trainings from Ex Libris or other library groups. We keep an updated list on the wiki:

  • Cataloging Analysis Best Practices, Ex Libris, February 22, 2022 7am Pacific Time. Register for free

  • The New and Improved Alma Overlap Analysis Tool, Ex Libris, March 29, 2022 7am Pacific Time. Register for free

In the meantime, you can still access the 8 sessions from the Analytics Master Class from Fall 2022.


Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

DFC met on January 14th and discussed the following topics:

Norm Rule Request Process/Feedback

Brandon would like feedback from the discovery community about the current process for requesting normalization rules, and the organization of norm rules information on the wiki site. This will be discussed at the upcoming February 18th open forum.

Audio/Video Resource Type

The topic of audio/video resource types versus specific format types was discussed, and the group recommended researching the topic further before querying the discovery community to confirm the scale of the issue.

Archival Material Resource Type

A mis-coded MARC leader value is causing OCLC master records to display as Archival Materials in Primo VE. OCLC identified the issue but can not resolve it programmatically because the scope of the records include both valid and invalid leader codes. OCLC would like campuses to send examples so they can determine the cause of the issue. 

Troubleshooting Availability Issues

In Primo VE, the availability indicator on brief result records may not match the same indicator on full records. Ex Libris recommends to either resolve the issue in metadata, or change display labels to more generic wordings. The DFC recommends campuses use their Report a Problem feature to investigate metadata anomalies as the preferred method for troubleshooting availability issues. The group does not recommend changing display labels because it will only hide underlining issues, and may result in ERM troubleshooting difficulties. This will be discussed at the next open forum.

Wiki Website Redesign Survey

The DFC have received good constructive feedback on the new organization and content of the Discovery Wiki site. Survey results will be provided at the next open forum.

Next Discovery Open forum to take place Friday, February 18th at 1pm.  


Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed)

Alma Agreements

  • ExL=back this project with money and resources.

    Like Consortia Manager but built in to Alma. 

    See how this would work in Alma.

    Current licenses, renew NZ resources though Alma. 

    Data is there. 

    Training starts in March.  


EBSCO linking

  • Tests say it’s working.

    Issues in the IZ.

    Sonoma authentication on EBSCO side, do not use SSO option. IP off.


  • Fullerton’s issue with Quicklinks resolved by changing the order of stanza on EzProxy.

Display logic survey

  • Review second survey before being distributed.


Kelly Ann Sam (Unlicensed)

  • Leganto Open Forum on 01/20/22: https://spaces.calstate.edu/l/c/0519srHj

    • SJSU demoed their version of Leganto 

      Reviewed survey results to provide info about how libraries use and implemented Leganto 

  • Rapido Discussion – demo and implementation plan 

    Reviewing wiki 

    Dropping meeting frequency down to 1x month 

  • Plan to finalize CSU Walk-In User Policy this semester

Resource Management

Brinna Pam Anan (Unlicensed)

The ULMS Resource Management Functional Committee met Tuesday, February 1, 2022 from 1-2 PM.


  1. An email was sent to the ULMS TS Mailing List regarding Local Fields that all CSU campuses are using.  The purpose is to inquire which local fields campuses are using to determine if this will affect use of Primo VE Norm Rules.  An announcement and reminder will also be given at the next TS Open Forum on Thursday, February 17.  Local Fields updating is due to the RMFC Chair by Wednesday, March 30.

  2. The NZ Management Group has completed the NZ Refresh.  The Refresh began on Tuesday, January 18 and finished on Sunday, February 6.  The Group imported a total of 5,450,211 records and did not import any WorldCat records that didn't have a match.  There are approximately 359,000 WorldCat records that need to be examined to determine how to take care of them.  The NZ Management Group's guess is that these records have holdings in the NZ but have no holdings in OCLC.

  3. While performing the NZ Refresh, the NZ Management Group discovered a few jobs which have been scheduled to run.  One of them is the Update BLDSS Request job.  The NZ Management Group inquired if this job could be turned off as the BLDSS stands for the British Library Document Supply Service which is meant to facilitate resource sharing between the CSUs and the British Library.

  4. The RMFC approved a Request for Recommendation to continue work on SAC's approach to offense subject headings.  This Request was sent to Brandon for the Steering Committee's review.

  5. As an update to the incorrect coding of archival materials in OCLC records which affected the resource types in Primo VE, the NZ Management Group sent a file of approximately 2,300 records that need investigation as they are coded as archival materials on Thursday, January 20.  Some items may legitimately be archival but some are not.  OCLC offered to perform this examination and fix for us.

  6. The next ULMS RMFC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 1 PM.

Resource Sharing

Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

  • We're working with UC Davis to get a reciprocal agreement set up between the CSUs and UC Davis to add them to our courier route. We anticipate that they will join in the coming months. 

  • The RSFC started a project to review our wiki pages. We are checking for any updates and edits to make while developing an understanding of items that may be important to archive and others that should be updated to reflect the upcoming differences with Rapido. 

  • Additionally as there is overlap within our team and the Rapido team, we are staying up to date and involved in some of the upcoming Rapido workflows. Particularly the printing of pull slips and book bands. 

  • An automated reporting method is being worked on for sharing the courier problem report with the courier staff. 

Action items




image-20211117-165902.png (image/png)
NZ_Refresh_Request_to_ULMS_Nov2021.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ULMS Governance Structure - Updated Draft (20210414).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
DRAFT20210407MARC Fields Excluded from CSU ALMA (01CALS).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
image-20210512-161121.png (image/png)
CSU+.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
CSU-UC Recip Agreement Proposal.pdf (application/pdf)
Consortia-to-Consortia_Proposal.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ULMS Survey Responses - Ex Libris 2020.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
DRAFT202012PolicyNO DEDUPE.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Data Visualization TF_ Evaluation of Tableau Server Pilot (1).pdf (application/pdf)
Request-SC_Recommendation_SAC.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ULMS Survey Responses - Ex Libris 2021.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)