ULMS Steering Committee : 2017-12-15 Meeting Agenda & Notes
Created by David Walker, last modified by brandon dudley (Unlicensed) on Dec 15, 2017
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
30 mins | Budget request for summer training | Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) | - Funds have been allocated by COLD to support summer training (~$50k)
- half for hosting, half for travel
- Carlos has shared budget request form with chairs to gather requirements
- Carlos will submit requests to COLD Exec to be evaluated alongside others, then shared with COLD general committee
- Luiz asked if the times could be extended to provide more time to do work/handle travel logistics
- Some discussion about travel impact
- Carlos asked for feedback on budget proposal for summer meeting
- All seemed to think it was fine
- Carlos shared thoughts about travel supplement/grants based on Alice's work during the ULMS implementation phase
- Asked for feedback on amounts for travel
- Some discussion about raising amount to more travel more realistically - Carlos will tweak and share back with the group before the break.
15 mins | Review Committee Charge | Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) | - Carlos shared a revised charge document reflecting actual constitution of the coordinating committee (as opposed to proposed)
- This is an introduction of the topic, spend more time on this in January
- Explore At-Large role more in depth
- Role for campus representatives
- Anything missing?
- Luiz mentioned that there is not language for replacing members who have departed the CSU.
- Nikki asked about what types of annual meetings might be planned and whether CO funding would be available in the future.
- Rae Ann asked if the duties of the functional committees should represent all of the campuses - some discussion of local vs system needs
- Carlos will share document via Google Docs for direct editing
10 mins | Encouraging ELUNA attendance | Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed) | - Continue to mention that CSU members get member registration for ELUNA through the CO membership
- Nikki mentioned that line staff benefit from ELUNA attendance and that CO support for attendance
- Brandon mentioned the benefits of exposure to ELUNA for most staff/faculty
- Carlos asked if we should review with deans why sending folks to ELUNA would be worthwhile
- Nikki plugged the benefits of the pre-conferences at ELUNA
- Carlos, David and Brandon will put something together
5 mins | ELUNA membership and enhancement voting | Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) | - Carlos mentioned that we need to discuss how to handle the CSU vote
- Brandon asked to move this topic to the next meeting to discuss more specifically
- Mike asked for a list of CSU campus ELUNA members - Brandon will explore and provide
- Suzanna mentioned that the timing is important to watch with multiple rounds of voting
| Role for dedicated ILS managers? | Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) | Moved to next meeting agenda |
| Committee updates | Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) | Moved to next meeting agenda |