This document contains how decisions are made for this group.
Each member should review and make comments appropriately.
Discussions were made about having a vice-chair and a chair to the committee to allow for more cohesive pass off of the chair duties.
This idea was generally agreed upon, but there still needs to be additional discussion of how this will actually work for this year since all chairs have a one year appointment.
The document was discussed in general and suggestions were made.
A general reminder that all ideas for topics are due by the end of the day January 31st.
It was requested to have 4 topics, but you can send more. Please rank the list in order of importance.
The training might be 1 ½ days focused on Alma and ½ day focused on Primo.
Some training will be done by Ex Libris employees, but there is opportunity for the CSU folks to do part of the training as well to make it more personalized to our circumstances.