ULMS Steering Committee : 2018-08-20 Meeting Agenda & Notes




5 minWelcome & IntroductionsCarlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed)
15 minsMeeting w/Ex Libris UpdateDavid Walkerbrandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Dave and Brandon meet at least once a year with Ex Libris Management for North America. 3 topics for last week's meeting:

  1. ER Management: We are asking for several improvements to consortial and Network Zone ER management in Alma. Dave shared a list of priorities with the steering committee. Dave was pleased with the EL meeting. It seems that they are taking our priorities seriously and are working on them.
  2. Primo VE – Per Dave, Primo VE has advantages for us. It simplifies Primo Management by combining the Primo back office with Alma. It allows for changes made to Alma records to be immediately visible in Primo. But VE currently has limitations for us. 1) it doesn't allow us to configure our own normalization rules. 2) it limits our flexibility with display logic and some other things ...  Dave expects that it will be a year or two before VE is ready for us.
  3. Support – Brandon meets monthly with EL support. He used this meeting as an opportunity to give an overview of some of the CSU concerns with support;
    1. average support case is open for 35 days
    2. average of two weeks before the first substantial notes are added to a support case.

      EL response: they are hiring and re-orging to deploy more resources to support. Brandon reminded them of the contract renewal. Also, he explained that it would be helpful for us to see updates when internal work is done on a case so that we can see that progress is being made even if we don't have the final solution.

15 minsULMS Summer Meeting Recapbrandon dudley (Unlicensed)

Brandon shared a summary of the responses to his survey. Generally, the 2nd day was better than the 1st day. The EL Trainer was not fully prepared for analytics training. Most attendees would go again next year. They prefer in person meetings if possible. 

Functional Committee Chairs confirmed the findings from Brandon's survey:

Nikki –  trainer's confusion regarding NZ analytics demonstrated that it is a hard topic. Better for the CSU to develop our own training.

Ian – Strong presentations regarding Discovery

Cathe – Good opportunity to meet her committee face to face. Impressed by knowledge shared by CSU staff.

Chris – Some new ideas about what to work on in Resource Sharing. Joe and Jesse gave the most entertaining presentation that he has ever seen.


Carlos & John will advocate for COLD funding support for continued in person meetings. Brandon thinks that 140 would be a good attendance figure. A regional ELUNA may offer similar opportunities for information sharing.

15 minFunctional Committee Updates
  • ACQ/ERM – Luiz shared some notes with Carlos
  • Analytics – working on ... 
    • Dean's and CD dashboards
    • Helping campuses get up-to-speed with analytics
    • assessing CSU+
  • Discovery  – first meeting tomorrow
  • Fulfillment – Good ideas from the Long Beach meeting; Fulfillment lost a committee member and needs a replacement.
  • Res Sharing – Working on Tricor issues. Wants to figure out how many campuses are having problems.
30 minFunctional Committee Agenda Items for 2018-19


Carlos's suggestions:

  • Resource management
  • Analytics
  • Primo Enhancement
  • Working with other Consortia
  • Tipassa evaluation

Other topics that came up:

  • Dashboards & visualizations
  • Assessment in general
  • Integrating fines and fees into PS (b/c we are unlikely to reach agreement on a shared approach for everyone, can campuses work in groups)
  • The role of STIM with regard to the ULMS – especially since ULMS doesn't have a systems committee
  • Fulfillment networks; improving visiting patrons
  • improving the rota to make things more equitable
  • responding to CSU+ usability issues articulated in a report from San Marcos
  • Some resource management issues that I didn't completely catch
    • JSTOR and ILL
    • ebooks and OCLC
    • NACO


Carlos & John will develop a proposed action plan for ULMS steering to pass by COLD.

5 minVice-Chair & Member VacanciesCarlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed)
  1. Reminder from Carlos that functional committee members are expected to attend regularly. Let Carlos and John know if a committee member is not participating. 
  2. 3 of the functional committee vice-chair positions are not filled. Carlos asked to have them filled by October. He shared a link to the duties of the vice chairs with the group
  3. We should fill the vacant position in fulfillment with someone who volunteered but wasn't chosen.
5 minsAnnouncements