ULMS Steering Committee : 2018-12-21 Meeting Agenda & Notes



Action Items


30 minsFunctional Committee Updates

Acquisitions & ERM

Assessment & Analytics

  • Dean's Dashboard/Data Viz:
    • Lauren Magnuson (CSUSM) shared the latest version with COLD.  Dashboard is now in Tableau (view here) and it's been refined in several ways.  COLD noted that some of the metrics could benefit from better reporting consistency across campuses.  The dashboard will likely improve over time as additional years of Alma data supplant imperfect equivalents sourced from legacy systems.
    • The Data Viz group also drafted some recommendations regarding licenses for data visualization software.
  • ACRL reports
    • Campuses have begun working on ACRL reports.
    • Shared ACRL reports had proliferated in the CalState folder and many were outdated or produced unexpected results.  Nikki created a new official folder (ACRL IPEDS Official ULMS folder) and populated it with the most accurate versions, updated with prompts and instructions.  There is one folder for reports to run in the IZ and one for the NZ to make it easy to tell which reports to run in which account.  Many thanks to folks around the CSU who tested the reports for accuracy, consistency, and ease of use.
    • Nikki also updated the ACRL/IPEDS page in the ULMS wiki and added information about the shared Analytics reports, recommended practices for answering the survey questions, and the latest update from Ying Liu (CO) regarding the new Line 45 (external contributions from Consortia/Network(s)).
  • Benchmark Analytics
    • Karen Schlesser (San Jose) and Nikki are testing the Benchmark Analytics reports.
    • Comparisons are limited to institutions in the same data center.  So far this is a very small pool--151 institutions have data available to us for comparison.
    • It is possible to limit to institutions with a similar profile; data is anonymized and institutions are assigned a numeric ID.
    • Further study needed to determine whether the comparisons and KPI's are useful.
  • Collection Development Toolkit
    • The Collection Development taskforce, led by Amanda Grombly (Bakersfield) is making substantial progress.
    • The taskforce has developed a folder with a wide variety of reports to support collections decision-making and reporting; the reports have been left somewhat generic to allow for the ad hoc nature of collections reports.  After some final polishing, the folder plus an accompanying wiki page will be available early next year.
  • Analytics - Resource Sharing joint task force
    • The group is putting the final touches on operational reports and turning its attention to ways of assessing the CSU+ service.


Uresolver task force

  • Meet to discuss status of CSU custom module for replacing/augmenting the functionality of the built-in link resolver and resource sharing services.
  • Zach and Dave are continuing to work on prototypes

UX Task Force

  • The group will convene next month to discuss feedback and how to proceed with implementing and assessing the UX improvement ideas.


  • Cathe and Christine Evans attended the Access Services Conference in Atlanta. Christine found out that one university bookstore actually supplies books for course reserves if the course is high enrollment and the  books are expensive. They also have a link to course reserves info on the bookstore website. She is getting more information. Cathe went to a workshop on disaster preparedness presented by UCSB, which was very informative and timely given the fires that affected so many CSUs. Cathe also got some great ideas for supervising and training student employees.
  • FFC member Natasha Allen (San Jose) volunteered to work with a member of the RSFC on draft policies regarding visiting CSU patrons.
  • Staff from San Marcos and Chico gave an informative and comprehensive demonstration of ExLibris Leganto at the Access Services open forum on 11/27. Thanks so much to Ian Chan for taking the lead on this! The feeling from the schools using it is that if you can get faculty on board, there is a benefit to students. The session had about 50 attendees and the recording was sent out.
  • Cathe tested the bulk reading list change that Megan told us about during the summer training and was excited about because it is extremely time consuming when an instructor wants to change the end date of a course,  about 50 courses each quarter. For each course, we need to change the course end date, the reading list due back date, then the due back date for each item in the reading list. I was hoping the bulk change would do this all in one fell swoop—but it doesn’t. It changes the reading list date only which is really pretty useless. At San Jose, they changed their procedures to set the end to each course for 2068 so they never have to worry about going through all the work of extending courses, but that is not a great solution either because then you can’t use the  functionality in Alma when a course ends as the system is designed. Mallory wondered if rather than complaining every time we find another useless function – or circumventing the system with a less than ideal workaround—that there might be a way to let ExLibris know that this function does not serve user’s needs and how it could be made useful.
  • Now that we have our goals, FFC is drafting a survey to send out to Access Services in the CSUs around our areas of focus: course textbooks and materials, equipment, and fines. We want to find out about cool and innovative programs that have improved student success/saved students money, etc. We also want to find out if/how people may have improved services and processes using Alma, and lastly what the needs and frustrations are.

Resource Management

  • Policy Review
    As per ULMS Coordinating Committee discussion about improving organization of ULMS Policies to ensure policies are updated and easy to find, Resource Management members agreed to review list of technical services policies and identify those policies to be uploaded to a ULMS Policies page. The goal is to separate policies from procedural/workflow documentation.
  • Resource Management Guide
    Preliminary draft of the Guide has been completed. Next step: To review guide and to cross-reference it to include links to related policies and documentation.
  • How-to Articles
    Committee identified additional topics for a how-to article: How to transfer a POL to a different bibliographic record; How to create a holdings record for multipart monograph; How to add an item record.
  • Analytics Training for Resource Management
    Committee discussed submitting requests for future training in Analytics in support of resource management statistics (e.g., How many titles and items added by location in a month; How many titles and items withdrawn by location; Introduction on the use of Library of Congress Classification (LCC) in Analytics: show how to better apply LCC field of LC Classification in dimensions). Luiz will coordinate training with Nikki DeMoville, Chair, Assessment & Analytics Functional Committee.
  • TS Open Forum:
    Recent presentations included: Getting ready for the new Ex Libris Identity Service coming in January 2019 (Christina Hennessey); Alma Weekly CKB Updates (Jessica Hartwigsen) ; CSU TS Monthly Release Testing Group (Moon Kim).

    Discussion & Decision about “Notes” vs. “Description” Label in Primo: The current label display Notes in Primo will not be changed. We agreed to follow the recommendations adopted and approved by the Resource Management and Discovery Groups in May 2018 and outlined in Display of Notes (MARC 5XX Fields) in Primo. Libraries wishing to change the label in their local Primo may do so by following the procedures outlined in Labels in full record view, Details section.

Next Tasks:

  • NZ Management Group Meeting scheduled for January to review next steps on managing NZ records (e.g., cleanup of records and other tasks).
  • Authorities Task Force to be reconvened in January 2019.
  • Presentation(s) on Bibframe to be scheduled for spring 2019. Experts have been identified.

Resource Sharing

  • Joe Adkins is working with the Fulfillment Functional Committee on policies for walk in patrons and CSU+
  • Updated Holiday Closures guide to prepare people for the holiday break with CSU+. Mallory is shutting off the request expiration dates for the break so the requests do not all time out and get cancelled or moved to ILLiad. This is done in the NZ and does not require additional steps from individual institutions
  • Gave requests to joint Analytics/RS Task Force for consideration
    • Add date range selections to dashboard
    • More selectors for Borrowing Title Reports
  • Discovery Task Force
    • Joe has been working with the Task Force and giving updates to the RSFC. A streamlined request button sounds promising
  • Sent out follow-up survey about emergency library closures due to wildfires. Will discuss what improvements can be made
  • An RSFC member asked to step down to focus on their local department more. We have ideas on appropriate candidates pending Dean approval.
15 minsPolicy Approval Workflow & distinction between policies & best practices (i.e. recommendations)

15 minsPolicy Organization & Communication

5-10 minsShared Print Update (SPIRIT)Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

5-10 minsFloating Collections UpdateCarlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed)
10-15 minsAnnouncementsALL