ULMS Steering Committee : Task List for Approaching Migration & Go-Live

Reviewed and Revised by Acquisitions
Revision Date

As we inch (more like sprint) closer to "Go-Live", there are multiple Acq-related issues to address (if you haven't already):

  • Alma Acq Integrations.  Transferring vendor integrations into Alma will take time.  The bigger vendors (Ebsco, YBP, ProQuest, etc.) are aware of the ULMS and have begun reaching out to affected CSU libraries. If you haven't already started those conversions and obtained the info needed transfer your services, contact your reps soon (like, asap.)  See the info at Alma Acq Integrations to get started.  There are more links and documentation to help guide your decisions to implement (or not) things like EDI invoicing, the GobiAPI, Ebsco Serials Mgmt integration, etc.  But please talk to your reps. They have done this before and can provide lots of info specific to your services and needs.
  • Configuring your funds and ledgers in Alma.  This takes some thought and time to sort out.  We've provided some links and examples for this at Funds & Ledgers in Alma
  • Closing out this fiscal year.  We've posted suggestions and documentation/training links at Closing Out FY 2016-17 if you are still pondering this transition.
  • Loading brief bib/order and WCP records. Get to know the recommended best practices to use Import Profiles for Loading Brief Order Records and WCP into NZ.  This is all enmeshed with the Gobi and other vendor integrations, so understanding how the these Import Profiles can work will help with those integrations.
  • Ask questions on this listserv or Slack.  None of us knows it all, but lots of us in the CSU world know some if it really well. Don't be afraid to put your questions out there and ask for help.  Chances are you are not the only one with that question.  ;-)

Watch this space for additions to the list.

Go team!