On Ex Libris negotiations, the only thing that will concern COLD is a large price increase. As long as any increase is reasonable (not sure what percentage would be a problem), COLD is OK with the Steering Committee determining the negotiating priorities to see what else we can get. COLD is also interesting in learning more about the patron experience with Primo.
2. COLD is good with our proposed document regarding Policies, Best Practices, & Procedures. We should post the new guidelines on Confluence and clearly distinguish between Policies and Procedures in future proposals.
3. COLD wants us to proceed with the investigation of expanding CSU+ and to come back with a more detailed written proposal. Cost and workflow implications should be addressed in the proposal.
Stephen Hearn from the University of Minnesota gave an informative presentation on Authority Control in Alma on Thursday, 12/5/19. Many thanks to Luiz Mendes for making the arrangements.
The committee has decided to reconvene the Authority Control Task Force. Yvonne and Israel will work on updating the charge. We expect a call for members to go out some time mid-January.
Committee member Carole Chapman will request three additional item record material types (Archival material, Broadside, Poster) via a Salesforce case. She will give an update during the TS Open Forum 12/12/19. If Ex Libris adds these, it will have a minor impact in Primo, as the new item record material types would display (unless you have implemented the customized GetIt menu) under request options.
The committee began a discussion about the possibility of enabling headings enrichment at the NZ level in Alma. This is a content option in the Alma->Primo publishing profile that enriches the MARC record sent to Primo with variant name and subject headings. Enabling this option has the potential to enhance discovery, as it would allow a user to type in a variant heading (e.g. Ballot measures or Ballot initiatives instead of the authorized heading Referendum) when doing a subject search, and retrieve results. Israel will give a brief presentation during the next TS Open Forum, 12/12/19.
NZ ACRL report issues - NZ ACRL reports for electronic resources (e.g. 42b) which rely on the "Available for Group Members" dimension are failing due to a longstanding issue. Ex Libris is aware and alternate reports have been provided in the interim.
SUSHI Survey - San Marcos and Humboldt did not participate. Findings: Most campuses are currently utilizing Alma for SUSHI harvesting and/or plan to implement more widely in the future, contingent upon vendor support. The delay in Ex Libris' COUNTER5 support is a major impediment. They are also gathering COUNTER data in spreadsheets, while some rely on vendor websites (EBSCO) or other aggregate services (RedLink). Contact/demographic data was also collected. Results were shared with the ERM Committee and will be used to inform best practices and policy recommendations.
COUNTER5 - Crosswalk documentation has been developed and will be published to Confluence.
Started discussion on establishing system-wide reciprocal agreements with UCs, at least those within our courier agreement. We first need to find out what reciprocal agreements already exist between the CSUs and UCs. Many RS folks don’t know which UCs charge them so Meghann and Natalya are developing a query that RS folks can run in ILLiad to determine which UCs are charging them and how much. We will collect this data and then determine how to go about approaching the UCs. We will demo how to pull the data on I-SPIE TV and will also send out instructions via ulms-access.
San Marcos will begin testing the Alma ILLiad API for pushing CSU+ requests into ILLiad (lender of last resort) on December 16th. The API setup for pushing requests into ILLiad is much simpler than the old setup which required that requests be sent to an email before being routed to ILLiad.
We discovered that UC Irvine does not charge any of the CSUs so we are happy that they are now in our courier agreement. Did a demo on I-SPIE TV showing folks how to prioritize UCI in their ILLiad custom holdings in order to increase borrowing with them.
Several campuses have configured hold shelf email delays, an enhancement in the November release. The delay will help prevent patrons from coming to pick up their CSU+ requests before they are actually processed and ready for checkout. The RSFC will write instructions for configuring and post on Confluence.
Natalya and Meghann created a CSU Resource Sharing statistics presentation for FY 18/19 using self-reported data from CSU Resource Sharers as well as data retrieved from Alma Analytics and RapidILL. They presented the information on I-SPIE TV. The presentation as well as the raw data are accessible via the I-SPIE website: https://ispiecsu.wordpress.com/statistics/
The I-SPIE TV group has been creating demo videos for CSU+ basics that can be used for new hires and substitutes.
We created a document listing each CSU Resource Sharing department’s holiday closure period so that we can notify Unity of when not to make deliveries. Mallory sent this information to Unity.
We had our Open Forum on 11/7 discussing Letters/Notices, Purging Users and new release highlights. The recording of the open forum can be found here.
Course Reserves interviews of the system have concluded. The information needs to be compiled to we can see similarities and differences between campuses, find stand-out programs, and determine which projects, programs, and procedures could be shared with the larger community early next year.
Work with the Resource Sharing Committee is ongoing and analytics are being created to determine the average amount of time a CSU+ item is on loan, overdue and possibly re-requested.
Discussion of future open forums have included Course Reserves highlights and sharing and integrating fines & fees with campus SIS/Bursar’s office.