ULMS Steering Committee : Current Governance Structure

CSU ULMS Governance Structure


To ensure the effective administration and management of the CSU Unified Library Management System (ULMS) a four-tiered governance structure will be established..

  1. Roles and Responsibilities

    1. Council of Library Deans (COLD)

      1. Provide strategic planning and evaluation of the ULMS.

      2. Approve ULMS Policies & Procedures that impact budget or system-wide workflows

      3. Work with the CO to review and update the ULMS maintenance contract and the ULMS MOU.

    2. CSU Chancellor’s Office

      1. Provides and coordinates application and technical support for all libraries according to the Memorandum of Understanding with COLD as adopted on February 10, 2017

      2. Coordinates with Ex Libris on management and resolution of customer support issues

      3. Provides guidance and support to ULMS Functional Committees.

    3. ULMS Steering Committee

      1. Provide leadership in exploring new collaborative opportunities and identifying strategic directions.

      2. Review and update ULMS policies and procedures and recommend changes to COLD as appropriate.

      3. Review, discuss, and address issues (that cannot be resolved in the functional committees) such as cross-functional or large systemic issues that arise from the implementation of or changes in the ULMS modules, and create/propose solutions.

      4. Work with the CO and Ex Libris to resolve technical issues related to the functionality of the ULMS.

      5. Manage and coordinate the annual ELUNA enhancement process including identifying and voting on product enhancements on behalf of the CSU. Collaborate with CSU Campuses that are ELUNA members.

      6. Collaborate with COLD Subcommittees and CSU Libraries Communities of Practice.

      7. Apprise COLD when consensus cannot be reached on the resolution of a problem. Liaise with COLD subcommittees as needed. Serve as primary aggregators of issues with ULMS and its modules.

    4. ULMS Functional Committees

      1. Update policies regarding workflow and system configuration in the functional area of responsibility. Address and resolve functional issues.

      2. Recommend policies and solutions that address issues extending beyond the functional area (e.g. cross-functional or large systemic) to the ULMS Steering Committee or COLD as appropriate.

      3. Schedule meetings, training workshops and other events that include topics related to the usage of the functional areas and related modules of the ULMS with all CSU Libraries.

      4. ULMS Functional Committees may be tasked by the ULMS Steering Committee or COLD for a project related to the functional area.

      5. Hold regular meetings with the associated Community of Practice to foster communication and develop best practices and common approaches to issues in their functional area.

  2. Membership

    1. ULMS Steering Committee

      1. Chair (ULMS Director)

        1. Provides leadership and ensures that the goals and objectives are carried out.

        2. Works with the COLD Liaison to identify urgent needs and strategic priorities.

        3. Coordinates activities related to CO roles and responsibilities

      2. COLD liaison

        1. Serves as the lead in addressing and fulfilling COLD roles and responsibilities

        2. Consults with COLD and COLD Executive Committtee as appropriate

        3. Presides at meetings when Chair is absent.

        4. Provides COLD perspective on ULMS topics.

        5. Develops agenda with Chair.

      3. Chairs of the six (6) Functional Committees

        1. Represents each of the functional committees.

        2. Provides monthly updates to Chair on committee activities.

      4. One or two at-large members from CSU member libraries (representatives with a broader, higher-level perspective)

        1. Represents the interests of all CSU campuses.

        2. Surveys CSU campuses regarding training needs.

      5. Director, Systemwide Digital Library Services (SDLS, Chancellor’s Office) and other members of the SDLS department.

    2. ULMS Functional Committees

      1. Electronic Resource Management (ERM)

      2. Assessment & Analytics

      3. Discovery

      4. Fulfillment

      5. Resource Management

      6. Resource Sharing

  1. Nominations, Appointments & Terms

    1. Terms

      1. All appointments begin on July 1st and end on June 30 for both one year terms and two year terms.

    2. Vacancies

      1. If a member of the Steering Committee or Functional Committee resigns, the vacancy may be filled at the discretion of the Steering Committee Chair and/or Functional Committee Chair and will be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.

    3. Steering Committee

      1. The COLD liaison shall be elected annually by COLD to serve for a one-year term.

      2. The at-large members are appointed to a 2-year term and may be reappointed for an additional 2-year term by the ULMS Steering Committee Chair, with the advice and consent of the COLD Executive Committee.

  1. Functional Committees

    1. The ULMS Functional Committee Vice-Chairs are selected by the ULMS Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of COLD to a one-year term. The following year, the Vice-Chair shall serve a one year-term as Chair.

    2. The ULMS Functional Committee members serve a 2-year (staggered) term and will be appointed or reappointed as follows:

      1. In May of every year, COLD members nominate members from their representative campuses by submitting an application for each nominee which highlights their qualifications and ability to serve for the entire 2-year term.

      2. ULMS Steering Committee reviews the qualifications of the nominated campus representatives and appoints or reappoints committee members in line with current practices that ensure input from a diverse representation of campuses.

      3. Each functional committee has no less than 4 members and no more than 7, as determined by the Functional Committee Chair in consultation with the ULMS Steering Committee.

      4. Chancellor’s Office staff whose primary responsibility corresponds to the area of the Functional Committee will serve as ex-officio on that committee.

Review and Amendments

This Governance Structure will be reviewed as needed by COLD to ensure that it continues to represent the needs of the CSU Libraries.

On April 11, 2018 this Governance Structure was approved by the CSU Council of Library Deans

Updated Governance Structure: April 22, 2019 (approved by CSU COLD)

Updated Governance Structure: April 14, 2021 (pending COLD discussion Nov 2021)