Performing Fiscal Year Rollover for Ledgers and Purchase Order Lines.

First Rollover the Ledgers then rollover the Purchase Order Lines.

Step-by-step guide

  1. To rollover Ledgers go to: Acquisitions > Advanced Tools > Rollover Ledgers

    1. Alma will create a new fiscal year time period when you run Rollover Ledgers

  2. Choose Add Job

    1. If you want to move all Ledgers, choose All from the drop-down list or you can choose a specific ledger to move over to the new fiscal year

      1. in the NZ instance, there is only one ledger so "All" will work fine in this case

      2. *Updates to NZ instance completed by NZ admin

    2. Choose None for Create Allocation

      1. for the NZ instance, do this later and allocation funds in the ECC and Opt-in funds

    3. Choose Copy for Action

    4. Choose Active for Create Status

    5. Choose from the current FY to copy from

    6. Check Copy Notes

  3. Run the Job by choosing "Add and Close"

  4. Refresh the job to see it's progress

  5. Check to see that the completed successfully

    1. Did the correct number of ledgers and funds copy to the new FY? There will be summary at the bottom of the completed job.

  6. Now go to your Ledgers and Funds: Acquisitions > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Funds and Ledgers  

  7. From the list of Facets, choose Active and the new Fiscal Year period

    1. To narrow it down further, you can choose Allocated Fund since a new monetary amount will need to be added the new Funds

  8. Edit the Funds

    1. Click on the Transactions tab

    2. Click on Allocate Funds

    3. Enter in an amount and click on Add Allocation Transaction

    4. Click on Confirm and then Save

    5. Do this for every Fund in the Ledger

Ensure that the ensuing fiscal period exists and that the relevant funds and ledgers are active before performing a PO line rollover.

  1. Check the Encumbrance Rules for the funds. *May need to change current rule of allowing encumbrance over the limit of the fund to do PO Line Rollover

    1. Run Report Mode first to see outcome and any errors that may have occurred before making permanent changes to the database (Run on Report Mode first because it is hard to recover or unable a PO Line Rollover)

      1. What is rolled over: Active POL's that have a status of "In Review" and are not fully invoiced (continuous Purchase Order) will rollover

      2. Must have an encumbrance in the Source FY

      3. Alma will remove encumbrances and dis-encumbrances from Source FY

      4. Alma will find the fund for the next FY (Target FY)

      5. Create transactions on the new FY Fund

      6. Old Encumbrance = New Encumbrance

  2. To rollover Purchase Order Lines: Acquisitions > Advanced Tools > Rollover PO Lines

  3. Click on Add Job

    1. Choose Add Encumbrance

    2. Leave FPC factor blank (0%)

    3. Choose Year range - choose current FY that is rolling over

    4. Check Over Encumbrance option. Need this option if you do not have enough funds to be encumbered which is true for the ECC resources but not Opt-in.  ECC has $6000000 but purchases usually go over that mark and there needs to be no limit on over encumbrance for this fund.

    5. Click on Report Mode for first time POL rollover to check for errors

      1. When ready, uncheck Report Mode and choose Add & Close button

      2. Check on Jobs to see when the report is finished

    6. Go back to Funds and Ledger

      1. Check Fund date and make sure if you rollover before the new FY, the funds will not be available.

        1. Example: Fund date = 6/30/2024 to 6/29/2025: funds will not be available for POL updates until 6/30/2024 if you rollover a couple of days before 6/30/24

    7. Update the POLs with the new negotiated prices.  Negotiated Licenses will also need to be updated.

      1. Libraries can see new amount of the resource in the resource link in the IZ POL.

Rollover Ledgers

Rollover Ledgers YouTube Video (from 2016)

Rollover Purchase Order Lines