acquisitions-related things in Alma enhancements - results are out
DDA/EBA spreadsheet filled in quite a bit! (12 campuses 6/26. Will send reminder July 2 for July 3 deadline, including ‘please tell us if you are not using DDA as well’
Thanks for fiscal rollover information/links for CSU, will create a wiki page for this
Alma/Peoplesoft moving servers today and Thursday
RapidILL and CONTU
Question for all: how does a license that says CONTU affect borrowing and the RapidILL lendablity? Does it change LendableInternational to LocalOnly or leave RapidILL statement out of the collection Internal Description?
Slowly going through the license TOU’s and updating Alma. So far, found two CONTU: APA (located under the EBSCO ECC Databases NZ license and both Annual Reviews licenses.
Sent the statements to Chris Lee.
Annual Reviews:
The Subscriber’s Authorized Users many download and print articles for personal user and archive contents on their own personal computers. They may sent one copy by email, print, or fax to one person at another location for that individual’s personal use. Systematic acquisition of large amounts of Annual Reviews content, such as entire volumes or their equivalents, is not considered ‘personal use.’ Facsimile images that are exact representations of the print pages or of printouts from the electronic database may be provided for interlibrary loan under CONTU guidelines and distributed in paper, fax, or digital form. Libraries may include links to AR digital content in local electronic course reserve systems limited to use of Authorized Users of current classes. Licensee may provide print or electronic copies of the Licenses Materials to national or international regulatory authorities for the purpose of, or in anticipation of, regulatory approval or patent and/or trademark applications or other legal or regulatory approval or patent and/or trademark applications or other legal or regulatory purposes in respect of the Licensee’s products or services.
Licensee and its Member Sites may use the Licensed Materials for Interlibrary Lending with the following restrictions:
i. The Licensed Materials may not be used for Commercial Use or systematic supply or distribution of portions of the Licensed Materials in any form to anyone other than an Authorized User or any similar activity.
ii. Licensee and its Member Sites may use the Licensed Materials to fulfill print or image interlibrary load request from institutions that do not have access to the Licensed Materials, provided that such fulfillment is in accordance with the interlibrary loan provisions of Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act and the CONTU Guidelines.
iii. Such requests may be fulfilled only Licensee and its Member Sites printing a copy of the item and providing that print copy or a photocopy of facsimile transmission thereof to the requesting party or by using an automated Inter-Library Loan system providing that it supplies images only and not digital content.
iv. This clause pertains only to the Licensed Materials including PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycEXTRA, and PsycCRITIQUES. It does not apply for PsycINFO and PsycTESTS.
Lively & informative discussion, suggested that we have the discussion at TS Open Forum as well with licensing and resource sharing folks