
Tim Held, Stephanie Brasley (Vice Chair), Lindsey O’Neill, Sarah Dahlen, Sue Thompson, Ann Agee, Charissa Jefferson, and Michele Van Hoeck (Chair)

Absent:  Laura Gil-Trejo, Katherine O’Clair, and Monica Fusich



CAT Toolkit next steps – CAT members provided feedback via this doc: .

    1. Sarah gives overview of comments and theme. People want CSU specific content. Reorganized ideas, scheme of toolkit and took suggestions of what other CSU’s are doing.
    2. Next step: start with collecting comprehensive compilation of assessment projects that have been completed in the CSU. Sub-committee will create form for campuses to fill out relevant, multiple choice answers to gauge if this information is worth collecting for subgroup to gather feedback.


Digital Learning Objects were one identified COLD priority is Digital Learning Objects to reuse, including assessment.

Two former CAT members worked on this last year:

Lindsay O’Neill suggests highlighting the assessment in DLOs that work with specific learning outcomes, and eventually sharing DLO’s in a CSU wide collection.

Tim Held is interested in being a part of that effort

Action item: Toolkit sub-committee will add a section in Toolkit for DLO’s as a Teaching Tool

WASC symposiumMichele

WASC-related IL assessment symposium proposal, spring 2017

Meet with WASC-oriented IL assessment experts in the system and address Information Literacy as a core competency.

Michele did study of self-studies at institutions.

Brought topic to COLD where several Deans seem interested in sending people to a meeting to talk about best practices.

Maritime is willing to host a meeting. Will provide lunch. In May or June. East Bay is willing to host if needed to be closer to Oakland Airport.

WASC holds workshops for those going through accreditation, but these are very expensive and also not focused solely on IL

Possible speaker can be Jen Fabbi leads WASC sanctioned workshops that guide critical thinking, Information Competency. There is nothing currently offered by WASC that focuses on just IL. Jen offered to speak to us to offer guidance without cost.

Another speaker recommended from San Bernardino as they have the most documentation in their self-study. The Library Dean recommended one of his expert librarians.

Questions for CAT: Would meeting for 1/2 day or 2/3 day be valuable to increase knowledge of best practices for IL WASC accreditation?

Does location matter, given limited time and budget for travel?


Is it feasible to look at a webinar? May increase participation if virtual.

Benefits include having more people involved, not just CAT.

In-person meeting allows for more interactivity.

Possible hybrid model.

Michele will investigate how it could work best.

Tim shared information about WASC workshop in Pomona that addressed Information Literacy ACRL Standards, Framework, Oakleaf’s “Roadmap for Assessing Information Literacy using the Framework”, UNLV’s library’s assessment plans and goals. Infuse curriculum with IL. These are documents you’d get from a WASC-sponsored workshop. 

Stephanie- the Pomona meeting is similar to a previous meeting in Hawaii led by Jen Fabbi.

Pilot projectLauraLaura is not present at meeting. Has promised to have an update report by the end of this month (December)

Action items

Sarah will share pilot form for contributing CSU assessment projects with CAT

Michele will investigate options for hybrid meeting/ webinar on WASC-related IL assessment in April/May

Meeting Adjourns at: 3:35 PM


test.pdf (application/pdf)