Zoom meeting cancelled due to Chair's scheduling conflict, so sub-committees emailed updates to full committee. Copies of email updates below:
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Pilot project | Laura Gil Trejo | Feb. 2 message: The rubric team has a meeting on March 9th to discuss the timeline on wrapping up the rating process. The team was overloaded with work towards the end of the year, and they needed extra time. Let me talk with them on Thursday and see what their timeframe is. Feb. 21 message: At this point we have half of the student samples rated so far (Northridge finished their half last week). I am in the process of merging those data into our master file. Fresno has not completed their ratings yet, and have indicated to me that they will be done by March 10th. | |
Toolkit | Sarah Dahlen and Toolkit subcommittee | As you recall, I was going to collect CSU library assessment projects to add to the toolkit, as the group felt that this was one of its most useful aspects. After my initial Google Form fail (FYI, if you're using the new file upload option, you can only collect responses from folks at your institution), Lindsey suggested using Dropbox. It seems like this will work, though the files will go to my personal dropbox and will need to be transferred when I rotate off CAT. Before we send this out more widely, please try this form out with some of your assessment projects so we can see if it works! And please send me feedback on what did and didn't make sense for you. Here's the form: If folks could complete it and send feedback in the next couple of weeks, that would be great! There was also some interest in including digital learning objects (that include assessment) in the toolkit, and Lindsey has been working on that. Here's her update: Using the existing DLOs with Assessment doc in the CAT Google Drive folder, I’ve been taking a look at each campus’ DLOs and taking notes on which have assessment and might make good examples. Poor Monica has broken her hip but is still being a great sport about helping with toolkit tasks. | |
CAT WASC IL symposium | Michele Van Hoeck | I looked into webcasting options for a possible May in-person CAT meeting, to allow for people to attend from their home campus, if travel isn’t an option. At Cal Maritime, I’ve been told we could do this using Blackboard software. Remote viewers would be able to see slides and live video of a speaker via their own computer, and have the opportunity to submit questions or comments by typing into a separate window. Has anyone on CAT had a successful experience using Blackboard in this way, either as a viewer or a speaker? We had talked about the possibility of holding the meeting at CSU East Bay, located a little more conveniently for many travelers. But if we want to include a webcasting option for this meeting, I’d like to keep it at Cal Maritime, so I can oversee the technical aspects of webcasting, rather than rely on another campus. | |
NSSE instrument for IL assessment | Michele Van Hoeck, Tim Held, Charissa Jefferson | NSSE sub-committee had a short phone meeting to discuss an idea related to IL assessment via the NSSE. On review of the IL module and the CSU consortial module (just two optional add-ons of several options, with a limit of two modules that can be administered in a year), we think the CSU module would benefit from some instruction librarian input. The CSU module has one IL-related question that does not use the same behavior/engagement formulation as the IL module or the main NSSE. Instead, it uses the sort of student self-assessment that is less direct and less useful. This year, 17 CSU campuses will administer the NSSE, and of those 10 will administer the CSU module. Don't have a count for those administering the IL module, but it is well below 10. Given the broader scope and usage of the CSU module, we propose that we investigate options for revising the IL question on that survey, and possibly expanding the module’s IL coverage. Michele has consulted with her campus NSSE contact, who directed her to the chair for the CSU consortial module, Mark Pavelchak at Cal State LA. She's contacted Mark to start a conversation about opportunities for input from our assessment group. She'll continue to pursue this and hope to have more information for our next meeting. |