

Not in attendance: Peter McDonald, Roman,

Zoom Location: 

Physical Location

All Meetings located in the Kellogg Library Reading Room unless otherwise noted in the Agenda

Discussion items



Kellogg Reading Room

8:00-8:45Optional Tour of Kellogg Library
Meet at 3rd Floor Circ Desk at 8.
8:45-9:30San Marcos Academic Success Center: Presentation and Tour

Dawn Formo: Dean for the Office of Undergraduate Education, San Marcos

Bianca Mothe: Associate Dean for the Office of Undergraduate Education at CSUSM

Meet in Academic Success Center – 2nd Floor

Following the tour, Dawn Formo talked about retooling the first-year seminar from a "baton-passing exercise" to a tool for closing the achievement gap for URM

Got a Governor's $2.5m award to investigate if this was replicable across other campuses

Was convinced by the library's strategic plan that they had a role in collaboration

Conducted research on Academic Success Centers in fall 2015, then visited centers in spring 2016

Focusing on interventions tailored for specific evidence-driven situations, such as sophomores who don't have typical at-risk flags but meet criteria for interventions – not just tutoring

  1. Associate Dean Report-Out
  2. Libraries and Student Success
  3. GI2025 Data Collection and Privacy Issues
  1. Char Booth, AD, CSUSM: AD meeting

2. Will Weston: Head of Collections Management, SDSU

3. Mark Stover, Northridge

Char Booth reported out on the value of the AD meeting. It was deemed a great success.

Wil Weston presented on libraries and student retention.

There was no time for Mark Stover's presentation.


10:40-11:30New Scholarworks Presentation

Aaron Collier: Digital Repository Services Manager, CSU

Carmen Mitchel: Scholarly Communications Librarian, San Marcos

Start time: 10:45 AM

Aaron and Carmen presented on the state of ScholarWorks and the future of Hydra. There will be a launch by June of a Hydra instance. Aaron and Carmen will be presenting at Open Repositories in June.


ULMS MOU Follow-up

Remaining 16/17 Budget

Maker-Spaces (time permitting)

John Wenzler (Unlicensed)


MOU: John summarized modifications to the document. The date, the inclusion of Jen Fabbi's principles, and the hiring date for the resource sharing position (60 days prior to June).

Motion: move/second Jen/Curt.

Passed unanimously. Will be forwarded to the CO for their review.

We wished Gale a happy birthday and wish Scott good luck and good wishes as he resumes his faculty role.


12:45-Optional Tour of Kellogg Library
Meet at 3rd floor Circ Desk

Action items