Council of Library Deans : 2017-10-12 Meeting notes
Created by David Walker on Oct 31, 2017
Patrick Newell, Chair (Chico)
Karen Schneider, Vice Chair (Sonoma)
Carmen Mitchell (San Marcos)
Zach Vowell (SLO)
Bin Zhang (Sacramento)
Andrew Weiss (Northridge)
Katie Lage (Moss Landing)
Renaldo Gjoshe (Fresno)
David Walker (Chancellor's Office)
Discussion items
Reviewed list of potential projects that were identified at the previous meeting
Did not have time to review 9 of the potential projects, will need to revisit
Identified work leads, others involved, and deliverables
Several of the topics related to technical aspects of the ScholarWorks project, which will need to wait for the open position at the CO to be filled, including:
Technical planning for migration of Islandora and ContentDM collections to Samvera
Involvement of campus programmers in co-development of the IR
Projects / Tasks reviewed
Makerspaces, COP/best practices leadership
Lead: Jonathan
Others involved: Jonathan to decide
Deliverable: TBD
LOCKSS / MetaArchive / Portico
Lead: Karen
Others involved: Patrick and Bin
Deliverable: Presentation to COLD gauging interest in funding for a solution for post-cancellation access (not digital content at this time). Could then lead to report comparing the three services above in more depth.
Images and other archival collections in Samvera (background research)
Lead: Zach
Deliverable: Brief report on current state of Samvera capabilities for image viewing
3-D model viewer in Samvera (background research)
Lead: Jonathan
Deliverable: Brief report identifying which campuses need what and why
Datasets in IR (Data dictionary)
Lead: Renaldo
Others involved: Lucy Liu (Fresno)
Deliverable: Data dictionary developed at Fresno
Persistent Identifiers in IR (background research)
Lead: Andrew
Others involved: David, Jeremy, Katie
Deliverable: Brief report on best system or service to use for persistent identifiers in ScholarWorks. Currently using the Handle Service, but other campuses are interested in DOI and other solutions.
Lead: Zach
Others involved: Katie, Andrew
Deliverable: Will share report and bring to STIM for COLD review
Projects / Tasks that still need to be reviewed
How to shepherd the next annual LIBIT meeting – Jonathan?
Develop and support applications – Dave
MALT (Maps and Aerial Locator Tool) adoption/use by CSU libraries – Renaldo
Journal publishing platform – Jeremy - Jonathan - Carmen
Centralized instance of ArchiveSpace – Bin/Zack
ULMS Systems group hangover item: Bursar fines and fees – Dave - Jonathan
ULMS Systems group hangover item: Learning Management Integration - Dave
ULMS Systems group hangover item: ILLiad integration -Dave