David Walker
Kevin Cloud
Melissa Seeyle
Jaime Ding
Kyle Morgan
Mark Bilby
Alyssa Loera
Ryan Rush
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Quick update | Dana | ||
Stand alone OJS instances |
| Currently we have one instance and then we create journals from that, assets are kept in folders, and then there is a single shared database With separate, each journal would be its own installation, still live on same server but with own database and folders See Dave’s slides attached to this agenda for more information There are certain plugins that require an installation level config. If we wanted to go to a shared ORCID or DOI then there is some advantage to having it in one spot. But if we wanted to have separate ones then having separate instances would be advantageous. | |
Archiving | Melissa | Can we promise journals digital preservation services? PKP has a LOCKSS network which any OJS can join, provided that the journal has an ISSN and at least one article published. Just have to opt in and it is free. Will this be possible through Samvera? Bepress: separate bucket that allows for outside authors and still able to preserve LOCKSS is a no brainer: whatever else is available, this should be enabled and available. Mark will mention at DRC meeting | |
Systemwide ORCID | Mark | ASCSU FA committee will be considering a systemwide ORCID resolution on 12/13. Mark shared with group, but not available for wide distribution yet. Might be on schedule in spring for plenary vote pass on to Mark any questions or things that you want passed on. Rutgers and ORCID have passed resolutions There is interest in ORCID at the CO Office of Research, especially in a grant matching service for the system. | |
Cal Poly initiative for research/collaborative ideas--discuss hub/center for digital scholarship and publishing, and what potential needs across the CSUs this center could fill. | Jaime | platform and policies for non-trad scholarship, make it sustainable and legitimize it. CPSLO is looking for “Big Idea” proposal ideas, looking to create a center or hub for digital publishing and creating a network that ensures that the scholarship is circulating more broadly outside of institutional walls (liaisons from other CSU campuses to the hubs) What kind of support could this hub provide for other campuses? MB: Archive It: can CPSLO draw on its expertise in web archiving and become a hub or center of support? Data mgmt planning, staff lines, expertise SJSU: planning a grant proposal that could be useful MS: SFSU has a DSC and it building its hub, two-fold approach, has been focus on digitization and also the SW and OJS side, framing in terms of open knowledge. DO: exhibitions and humanities alt publications, platform | |
Identifying and articulating desired consorital publishing services | Will discuss with Dave at next publishing IG meeting |