@Melissa Seeyle
@Ryan Rush
@Jaime Deng
@Rita Premo
@Kyle Morgan
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Update on the CSU’s OA pilot program for ScienceDIrect journals | Melissa | Gold OA option, nearly halfway through 2020 and we don’t know how to take advantage of it. MS was told that there is a hold up at the CO--will be working with Elsevier to hammer it out with MB and Emily from SJSU, more to come. | |
| Elsevier reached out to MS to chat about virtual publishing workshops for faculty. Usually done on-site, but now virtual, Els rep would facilitate a panel on a number of topics, mostly for early career, would include an Els person, a chair from the campus, publisher agnostic as possible per Els. Willing to explore possibility of some CSU wide workshops and we can request new topics. | |
SCELC OTN membership opportunity | Melissa | Slightly different than regular membership, just not tailored to your specific campus | |
OJS instance | Dave | in past, CO has waited for a campus to take responsibility for a journal before hosting on our instance--first line of support and CO handles the hosting part. Recently, queries have come to DW (Occidental) where there is a CSU editor involved and also groups in the CO who are interested in having OA journals If the campus doesn’t want to take on the journal, can DW bring these queries to this group? If we could get a CSU-wide initiative off the ground this could be more possible. Also providing them with the OJS documentation site. CO Sustainability is interested in promoting journals.calstate for STARS (will raise score) Push for COLD to provide more support for the platform as well as these groups in the CO that are seeing this as an opportunity (a position? buy out staff time? Raise through ScholComm?) Message: OA is free to read not free to produce--need to start getting this out to campuses. | |
LPF | All | Melissa will send email to group when presentations are available on the Library Publishing Coalition site and will highlight some of those she found interesting/useful. |