Council of Library Deans : 2020-06-12 Publishing Interest Group Agenda and Meeting Notes




Discussion topics





ScholComm mtg. point of interest


Carmen Mitchell and Patrick Newell are interested in writing a grant for online publishing as shared with the COLD Scholarly Communication Committee on 12/11. Our group, and particularly those working on plans for a CSU Press should share with Carmen and Patrick.

CSU Climate change publication discussion


Dana had a meeting with Leslie Ponciano and Tamara Wallace at the CO about a future publication on the climate change scholarship being produced at the CSU.

OJS documentation update


OJS documentation website is on track to go live this summer.

Admin changes


Melissa Seelye will assume chair role starting July 2020. Prior to stepping down, Dana made a call for this group to consider actions we can take to institute antiracist practices and dismantle the white suprematist structures and values that continue to be perpetuated in academic publishing.



CO has a couple thousand dollars left over from FY, will be pre-paid to CrossRef to mind DOIs for the articles in OJS. DW will convene a meeting with current CrossRef subscribing campuses to discuss logistics.

Elsevier Gold OA pilot

Mark & Melissa

Elsevier and CSU entered into pilot agreement to allow CSU authors to choose to publish open access at no additional cost to author in applicable Elsevier journals. OA Rapid Response Team (Melissa Seelye, Mark Bilby, Emily Chan) have proposed new language for the author view portion and worked out a tentative plan for the institutional section. Elsevier is requiring individual validation by each researcher/author. The OA Rapid Response team will be putting out a call for reps from each campus to equitably distribute the workload. We now have some numbers from Elsevier about CSU authors: CSU authors publish about 450 articles a year in Elsevier journals. The pilot includes any submissions retroactive to Jan 1, 2020. For more information and to locate eligible journals using the journal search tool.

Action items

