Council of Library Deans : 2020-07-17 Publishing Interest Group Agenda and Meeting Notes



Discussion topics






Alternative meeting time for September-June?


  • Based on survey responses, it seems the second Monday of the month from 11-12 would work better.

  • Melissa will send an invite for September -June.

OJS documentation updates


  • The group is aiming to finish the documentation site in August and present it during the August 13 Schol Comm Committee meeting.


CSU undergraduate journal check-in

Dana and Kyle

  • The group (Dana, Kyle, and Alyssa) is approaching this as a potential funding opportunity proposal and plans to meet in August to start laying the groundwork for the project.

  • Other Publishing IG members are welcome to join.


Climate change journal updates

Dana and Kyle

  • Dana and Kyle have been meeting with staff in the Chancellor’s Office about this. Already helping them to start considering first steps (e.g., putting together an editorial board) before moving to workflows.

  • Consulted with Patrick Newell about a potential conference that would tie into the faculty working group on climate science.

  • This is an opportunity to consider the type of support we can provide while balancing workloads at our individual campuses. We cannot take on the role of project managers, but we can provide more conceptual guidance. Our group can continue to re-evaluate to see how much time we can put into this project.


LibGuides as a publication system


  • Jaime is working on a project that considers how scholarship is valued and evaluated, with a focus on LibGuides. A team at Cal Poly is developing a best practices review process and models for LibGuides, including expanding race awareness within them. Interested in exploring potential CSU-wide collaboration on this to ensure our campuses are being held accountable for how LibGuides are presented and put together (e.g., which resources they highlight). Trying to expand the idea of what peer review is and exploring a more open peer review model, embedding this sort of criticality in everyday reference services.

  • LibGuides are considered part of primary assignment (rather than professional achievement and growth) at several other campuses. DH has an annual check-in to evaluate LibGuides.

  • Jaime will be holding a conversation on this topic with the DH librarians on August 7 at 11 am. Contact Dana if you would like to attend.

Potential author documentation project

Kyle and Melissa

  • Gave a brief overview of the Publishing Simplified course at Humboldt.

  • The group could develop a similar CSU-wide resource to support student authors in particular. This could complement the OJS documentation site.

  • Revisit this next meeting as a potential deliverable for 2020-2021.

Open Textbook Network updates


  • Shared updates on the OTN on-boarding experience. Their focus with campus outreach materials is on raising awareness about OERs among faculty. You can track faculty attendance and other information through the dashboard.

  • Dana noted that OTN also has robust support for OER creation; it seems this is just not the focus of their outreach materials at this time.

ETD updates


  • Discussed ETD questions related to alternative student research outputs and required fields (especially the Rights Statement). At least one campus currently has non-ETD student research. Agreed that having the Rights Statement be a required field that defaults to “In Copyright – Owned by Author” would be helpful.

  • Kevin will also bring this to this afternoon’s ScholarWorks PM meeting as well.


Revisit charter and discuss deliverables for 2020-2021


  • Continuing the discussion at our last meeting, consider steps we can take to challenge racist and inequitable publishing practices. See, e.g., the Library Publishing Coalition’s recent statement.

  • Dana noted that the Participating Institutions/Members section should be revised so that membership is not limited to “no more than 6 institutions” and “Establish and share workflow for ingest of online journals and other digital scholarship into the local IR” should be removed from Shared Needs and Requirements.

  • Melissa will transfer the current charter into a Google Doc and send it to the group for feedback in advance of our next meeting.

Action items

