The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication is seeking a new publisher (see the RFI for more information about financial support expectations).
Elsevier “train the trainer” sessions for Science Direct gold OA pilot delayed, but video demos should be available within the next few weeks.
The Association of University Presses has put together an Ask UP FAQ for authors:
Revisit capacity to support systemwide publishing initiatives
Kyle and Melissa
We have discussed several CSU-wide publishing projects in the past, including the climate change conference at Chico and the potential for a subsequent publication as well as a CSU undergraduate journal. Kyle reached out to the climate change conference organizer but did not hear back; more planning will be needed to provide support moving forward.
Kyle has been in touch with a contact in the Admissions Office at Fullerton who is involved in self-publishing and has expressed interest in forming a committee to explore the potential for a CSU Press. Kyle will continue the conversation with the contact at Fullerton and keep us posted.
We could bring together a less formal group of those interested in self-publishing initiatives, but how would we identify those people? We could potentially contact PR/communication offices.
A CSU press/systemwide publishing initiatives would be very reliant on OJS at this time, with limited support beyond platform administration.
Updates on Scholarly Communications Committee work plan
The draft work plan for 2020-2021 centers around four projects:
Faculty Profiles/ORCID
Digital Publishing (We discussed a CSU-wide McNair’s publication, but we decided to table this project at our August Publishing IG meeting. Melissa will revise the work plan to reflect our 2020-2021 goals and add a broader goal related to exploring support for systemwide publishing)
Onboarding New Committee Members/Communicating What We Do
Creating a Framework to Support Open Access User and Workforce Education (This relates to the systemwide documentation for the Science Direct gold OA pilot, but it will be broader in scope. Melissa, Jaime, Dana, and Matt will work on this later in the fall.)
The scope of the Publishing IG was discussed in last week’s Scholarly Communications Committee, and it was suggested that we should consider how our work relates to the CSU Libraries Strategic Plan.
Melissa drafted a revised charter and will send everyone an email reminder to review the draft and add any feedback within the next two weeks.
Update on LORDS (LibGuides Open Review Discussion Sessions)
Others are still welcome to join the group, which will be focused on bringing more critical perspectives to LibGuides CSU-wide; thinking about LibGuides as a form of publishing.
LORDS plans to host a pilot open peer review session in December.
Between now and then the group will be deciding how the session will be structured and how to promote it.
Also discussed Wikipedia as a publishing platform; Mark met with someone from the Internet Archive recently and discussed the possibility of a CSU-wide Wikipedian in residence. Melissa will email Mark Stover about adding this to the next Scholarly Communications Committee agenda.
Author documentation project as a potential 2020-2021 goal
Kyle and Melissa
As previously discussed, we could work on author documentation specifically aimed at students, building on the work that Kyle has done at Humboldt.
This would help provide additional support for a future systemwide student journal.
We will plan to start on this in 2021. Kyle, Melissa, Matt, Dana, and Pam expressed interest in working on this, but we will revisit this when the time gets nearer.