Dana, Jaime, and Melissa attended the November 30th COLD meeting to provide updates on our work plan action items and address questions
Copyright First Responders CA is hosting a study group of Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators (4th ed.) Feb-May 21 organized by Chico folks and Andrew Carlos from East Bay; sign up form will go out through email list and there will be an option to facilitate. Let Pam know if you are not on the listserv and would like to see the invitation or be added.
Requested local library publishing contacts for each campus, to be added to the OJS Journal Publishing Guide
Gave an update on this project during the November 30 COLD meeting, emphasized the importance of the conversation, rather than the finished product
First multi-campus pilot session on December 3 with SLO, Pomona, Dominguez Hills, and San Francisco participating; reviewed LibGuide from Dominguez Hills (rubric)
Aiming for quarterly sessions; next one will be on March 11 from 2:30-4:30 pm. Looking for one more campus to participate. Others on your campus could also spearhead this; it doesn’t necessarily need to be a scholarly communication contact.
Open access documentation / Elsevier gold OA pilot
Elsevier is still working on authentication for local campus administrators. Train the trainer sessions will be scheduled for the new year.
Question: How are people communicating about scholarly communications/digital publishing/classes with their faculty? List serv emails? Word of mouth
DH: Mailchimp liaison newsletters – share digital publishing updates with liaisons to circulate; working on a digital publishing webpage to help increase awareness of services; word of mouth; get good student engagement with social media
SFSU: share blurbs with liaisons; campus-wide social justice email list
Pomona: social media is mainly used for events and new resources, but it’s a moving target; dean sends themed emails to all faculty approximately once a month (e.g., on OERs)
What about ETDs?
Pomona: Grad Studies is point of contact for ETDs, but library manages submissions; IR manager and formatting manager have run several virtual workshops (50-60 students per session vs. 20-30 students in on-campus sessions); workshops are not explicitly required; Grad Studies checklist
DH: Grad Studies is primarily in charge of outreach, but Dana answers questions related to ScholarWorks, gives workshops on accessibility, etc.; workshops are not explicitly required
SLO: students turn in senior projects through Digital Commons, with physical displays in the library; some back-and-forth with repository administrator
Chico: Grad Studies forwards emails as needed; considering mandatory workshops