SF State’s Digital Scholarship Center will be hosting another virtual Black Lives Matter Wikipedia edit-a-thon open to all CSU library staff and faculty on February 19 from 3-4:30 pm. Please email Melissa and Matt if you’re interested in attending.
Chancellor’s Office has extra licenses for a WebAIM accessibility training certification. If you would be interested, please email Melissa by the end of the day Wednesday, February 10.
Mark sent an email with a Google Sheet inventory of scholarly communication LibGuides across the system. Anyone is welcome to make additions.
Kyle and Pam: Chico conference proceedings and climate journal are moving forward.
SLO’s LibGuide includes the dates for upcoming review sessions and have started inviting students. Others are welcome to join, but please give jaime a heads up.
Open access documentation / Elsevier gold OA pilot
Elsevier gold OA pilot
Thanks to Elsevier local administrators who emailed authors about retrospective OA option! Emily Chan also emailed all authors prior to the January 31 deadline, and as of February 8, 206 CSU authors have taken advantage of this pilot.
Elsevier indicated that we have approved 100% of APC waiver requests so far.
Recent questions (which Melissa will be adding to the Confluence page):
Are editorials covered under the agreement? No. The agreement only covers the following peer-reviewed works: case report; data; full length article; microarticle; original software publication; practice guidelines; protocols; review article; replication studies; short communication; short survey; video article.
What should corresponding authors enter for the affiliation of team/lab co-authors? If there is no affiliation information to add, corresponding authors can omit these co-authors from the author journey form. This will not affect what displays in Science Direct; Elsevier uses the information provided through the author journey for the sole purpose of determining eligibility for APC waiver programs.
Email regarding train-the-trainer sessions will be going out this week.
Open access documentation: what information aside from APC waiver programs would be helpful for CSU authors? What information do you already provide to researchers on your campus?
Chico is hosting a Friday Forum on OA through Faculty Development. Seeking to learn interest and concerns regarding OA publication and engage in a learning community on this topic: will explore what OA means for our community, Elsevier agreement, ScholarWorks, started a LibGuide.
Pomona is laying groundwork. In March: Alyssa and dean are meeting with Office of Research to find out how they disseminate information (emphasizing OA and data management) and a listening session for Elsevier APC agreement, in partnership with faculty affairs.
San Francisco: Blacklisting vs. whitelisting (DOAJ)
Need to test submission forms for faculty works in ScholarWorks.
Mark: Share Your Paper integration would simplify things a lot for faculty works.
Alyssa: Pomona has mostly done mediated deposit historically. Moved away from self submissions for ETDs.
jaime and Kyle: Provided a demo of the bepress submission form.
Dana: Library faculty at Dominguez Hills could hep with testing.