Still meeting with Chancellor’s Office contacts and doing a training session on Digital Commons
Author documentation project (Kyle)
About halfway through a general template in a Google Doc
We have library publishing contacts for 21 campuses (Melissa)
Pomona: Add Alyssa and Ryan
Recap of meeting with Ubiquity Press (Mark, Matt, Melissa)
Ethics align with the CSU’s. Hosts 750 journals and two models: annual hosting fee and APCs (with exemptions). Great metrics built into the platform
Mark is coordinating a meeting with Ubiquity and California Journal of Health Promotion (considering APC model)
Also publish books and OERs (book processing charges average $6,000); authors receive 80% royalties for print-on-demand
Next multi-campus session is this week (March 11 at 2:30 pm) and two new campuses will be participating. We will continue to do outreach and bring in new campuses for each session. Campuses can then adapt the CSU-wide model for local sessions.
If you or others at your campus are interested in getting involved, please reach out to jaime
UNC is starting a similar project, inspired by jaime’s project and initial rubric from Cal Poly SLO
Open access documentation / ScholarWorks work forms
DRC Metadata Working Group has recommended to align ScholarWorks landing page categories with work forms (see notes from update to DRC)
Discuss feedback from campuses on the Publications work form, in particular
Brainstorm ideas for open access documentation site
Elsevier gold OA pilot
227 APC waiver requests have been approved so far
First train the trainer session was March 5, and the second one will be March 12
Confusion about eligibility for overall agreement vs. retroactive OA option
How is outreach going? Any feedback?
Pomona will be having an informational session (mid-April)
Informal discussion: Copyright and Creative Commons licensing for ETDs
What guidance does your campus provide regarding copyright and/or Creative Commons licenses for authors of theses, dissertations, and other student works?
SLO: Digital Commons defaults to Creative Commons
Humboldt: Creative Commons default for student projects and can vary from one project to the next, but not ETDs
Fullerton: default is CC-BY for ETDs; depositing to Zenodo and will be harvested back into ScholarWorks
Pomona: standard copyright; one doctoral program uses SWORD and students can choose CC, if they want