Call for Publishing IG facilitator for July 2021-June 2022. If interested, please email Melissa ASAP.
Increase Capacity for CSU-wide journal publishing
Melissa will be presenting at the COLD meeting this week to provide an update.
Jaime will be presenting at the COLD meeting this week to update them on the project and sustainability considerations.
The last multi-campus session for this year will be on August 5 at 1 pm.
Open access documentation
Draft content includes an overview of what open access is, why authors should consider open access, and options for making work open access. Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Melissa will share the draft with the COLD Schol Comm Committee once Publishing IG members have a chance to review it. We will then need to figure out where it should live – perhaps Wordpress.
Elsevier gold OA pilot
Report was shared via email on June 3 with various listservs. If you did not receive it and would like to, please contact Melissa.
Out of 383 eligible articles, 323 had been made OA as of early June.
We will start working on the potential January 2022 renewal in July, in coordination with the SRDC Licensing Subcommittee.
No new issues or questions were raised.
Informal discussion
(Suggested by Mark) Systemwide ETD and Graduate Project archiving policy, drawing from the following UC policies:
The systemwide Academic Senate could potentially take this on, in coordination with the Office of General Counsel, and perhaps a systemwide policy could grow out of the review of local deposit agreements. Dave shared the compilation of local deposit agreements with those interested. This would be a way to articulate the intellectual property rights of students.
The Office of General Counsel has not been very concerned with student works, but continues to have concerns about OA expectations for faculty scholarship.
Noted the need to coordinate with Grad Studies on each campus. We do not seem to have a Grad Studies point person in the Chancellor’s Office, but Dave will inquire about that.
If we wanted to pursue more standardized local policies initially, we could develop a list of recommended best practices/policy guidelines for the OA toolkit being developed by the Schol Comm Committee.
Discussed whether policies of this sort should be initiated by COLD Digital Repositories Committee (DRC) or Scholarly Communications Committee. It remains unclear. Mark will bring this topic up in this month’s DRC meeting and report back.