Carmen and Patrick Newell working on grant for Schol Comm curriculum. Still in formative stages and looking for collaborators. Let Jaime know if you are interested in this project.
Curriculum writers will be paid for their work.
Topics include:
Copyright Open Access Linked Data
Annual Goal: sustainability
Trying to make project more systemic. Let Jaime know if you are interested in working with her on it.
CSU Environmental Scan: Digital Scholarship Centers
What kind of DSCs or similar Labs are present in the CSU? Digital tools?
Let us know if you’re interested in helping with an environmental scan!
What do DSCs do? Digital Humanities/Maker Spaces/Digital Archives/Digital Project Lab
What’s the scope of the scan?
Kyle is interested in helping out.
Open Access Week Infrastructure
“The Publishing Interest Group endeavors to increase the capacity of the CSU Libraries to support open access publishing initiatives by developing shared knowledge, documentation, best practices, and outreach materials.”
Coordinating Efforts
Coordinating guest speakers
Affordable Learning (internal as of now).
Flesh out Open Access Documentation: How is it relevant to this group?
Goals This Year
All of the above.
Informal Discussion
“Open Access Publishing”
What should we do when it comes to different vendors? Should PubIG be a place where these discussions happen?
Different Vendors speak to group for 20 minutes?
Come up with a List of Needs (APCs, etc.), then make an action item to address them.
Dave will reach out to Erin from Scholastica about meeting with the group.