Council of Library Deans : 2022-23 Student Success Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2022

Members in attendance: Scott Walter (Chair), Alicia Virtue (Vice Chair), Jonthan Cornforth, Sarah Dahlen, Talia Guzman-Gonzalez, Tricia Lantzy, Anamika Megwalu, Rebecca Nowicki,  Sally Romero, Lettycia Terrones, Laura Wimberley

Members absent: Samantha McClellan

1. Announcements and Additions to the Agenda

There were no announcements or additions to the agenda

2. Introductions (and welcome to new members)

Returning members were welcomed back and new members, including incoming Vice Chair, were welcomed.

3. Review of 2021-22 Student Success Committee Report

Committee members reviewed the annual committee reported submitted in June 2022. Wimberley reviewed status of proposed article on “Reducing DFW Rates with Zero-Cost Textbooks.” Cornforth, Megwalu, Nowicki, Romero, and Terrones confirmed interest in continuing work on the article in 2022-23. Wimberley shared Google Drive documents with the committee membership following the meeting.

Committee members reviewed the proposals discussed last year regarding the provision of professional development programming for CSU librarians in areas related to student success. Members discussed the recent inclusion of the professional development facet in the committee charge, approved by COLD in June 2022: “The Student Success Committee is responsible for developing student information literacy assessment strategies, evaluating library services that support student success both inside and outside the classroom, leveraging shared analytics to make evidence-based decisions for student benefit and improvement, and for developing proposals for systemwide professional development topics related to supporting student success initiatives.” [emphasis added]

4. Additional projects for consideration for 2022-23

Committee members discussed different options for providing professional development opportunities, including: 1) hosting a CSU-wide student success workshop (funded by host institution); 2) following example provided by STIM of a series of online webinars/workshops. Members asked if there might be an opportunity to collaborate on professional development programming with CARL or if there are areas relevant to student success where there may be overlap with other COLD committees that might co-sponsor professional development programming. Wimberley will explore opportunities for collaboration with CARL.

5. Discussion

There was a brief discussion of whether COLD could establish any “standards” for library involvement with campus-based student success initiatives. Sense of the committee is that it is very challenging to establish system-wide standards for library public service initiatives that depend on individual campus standards and resources, e.g., adoption of learner analytics programs, level of coordination of student success activities across campus.

The meeting concluded with a brief discussion of meeting schedule for the upcoming year. Walter will disseminate a Doodle poll to set 2022-23 meetings.