Council of Library Deans : 2016-09-08 (Thursday) Full COLD Meeting Agenda


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Zoom Log In Thursday:


  • ULMS Post-Implementation Governance
  • Resource Sharing Strategies
  • Strategic Planning

In attendance: Patrick Newell (Unlicensed), brandon dudley (Unlicensed), John Wenzler (Unlicensed), Tracy, Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed), Jen Fabbi, Curt Asher (Unlicensed), Mark Stover, Amy Kautzman, Ron Rodriguez, Scott Hewitt, Raymond Wang, Roman Kochan, Frank Wojcik, Former user (Deleted), Peter MacDonald, Former user (Deleted), Anna Gold, Eddie Choy, Alice Kawakami (Unlicensed)David Walker (CO, ULMS), Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed) (CO), brandon dudley (Unlicensed) (CO, ULMS)

For Stephanie: Christie Stevens

Discussion items

12:00-1:00Cobb Salad Bar LunchAmy WDelicious! A great idea.



Greetings from Provost Dan Wakelee, who welcomed us to CSUCI.

Amy Wallace (Unlicensed) welcomed us, noted that there is a tour, and advised re dinner logistics.

The Confluence item was tabled in favor of a report on the change to ACRLMetrics. (See EC notes as well)

Jen Fabbi brought up the need to have the data in August, so we would have that information for decision-making. Michele noted suggestion to make an earlier deadline. This year it's too late to get the data in early, but we can move to that for next year.

1:15-2:15Introductions, Campus UpdatesAll

Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed)

Gerry Hanley (Unlicensed): graduation targets is the big priority; Lauren Blanchard leading effort. Target is 40% by 2025; currently at 19.5%.

Anna Gold: Student-funded expansion of SLO's 24/7 study space, "Hub 24." Also relocated special collections. Succeeded in having info lit questions added to campus NSSE. Also has a head of IT opening.

Former user (Deleted): HSU is holding a Humboldt Scholars' Lab on 9/24 – a research and scholarship hub.

Peter MacDonald: Reference desk getting made-over. Also hiring three new faculty.

Former user (Deleted): Reaccredited by WASC for ten years. Finishing up a science fiction room. Hoping to move special collections to a larger and more visible place.

Frank W. : Created a special collections initiative using consultants and internal promotion.  

Roman: Reported a book theft.

Ray Wang: Graduate initiative is very big on our campus. Invited Carlos Rodriguez to come talk about the initiatives at Grand Valley State University. 

Carlos Rodriguez: University-wide strategic planning under way. Provost gave $1m to kickstart renovations of student learning spaces. Has done a lot of research with SteelCase. Focusing on transforming the first floor to make it open and welcoming. Used the flood damage as opportunity to rethink the basement.

Scott Hewitt: Hired 18 people (replacements) in the last year. Have three more searches in addition to the dean search. Created a Library Faculty Fellow, first Fellow is taking the UC journal Boom into OA. Doing a faculty Happy Hour in the library. Faculty will lead conversations about the library resources/services they found helpful.

Ron Rodriguez: New president, good momentum.

Amy Kautzman: Asbestos abatement project almost completed. President invested $2m in this infrastructure investment. Installed first gate counter. Three new hires. New CIO. New interim provost. Research Center being created, lots of partnering. Partnering with the Business Dean on creating a financial literacy area with 23 Bloomberg terminals. During remodeling, the Student Union is relocating some of its space needs into the library on a temporary basis.

Mark Stover: Construction project in library started at beginning of fall semester (warning). But despite poor timing, it's exciting to see this in work. Also in the midst of five-year strategic planning process. Have some big grants in work.

Cesar Caballero (Unlicensed): New provost. Working on a 24/7 study space; have it designed, need funding. Innovation Lab continues to do what it's supposed to be doing. Water Resources Institute is adding 3-4,000 volumes. Adding archival materials from Salton Sea Authority. WRI website has a lot of aerial photos. Implementing a new strategic plan. 

Curt Asher: Converted to semesters from quarters. This led to a new class taught by librarians that is part of the History program: it's about archives management and oral history (a req for the public history track). Had two legacy gifts of $2m of unrestricted funds. Hosting ???? (producer of the movie Selena). Have been pushing Affordable Learning.

Christy: Website redone, huge improvement. Dominguez Den – a renovated cafe area – very popular. To make room for science building undergoing renovation, the library will be moving two floors of books (weeding and storage). Also doing WASC. Going to different groups on campus to talk about information literacy. Strategic planning for the library under way.

Jen Fabbi: Underserved students a focus on graduation initiatives. University got $2.5m to open an academic success center – in collaboration with the library. The first programmatic approach is academic coaching, with a focus on sophomores. Library use is being added to the data on what's moving the dial for retention and graduation. Creating a webcast with a founder of NSSE about how it was developed, how institutional research can crunch the data, and how to put it to use. Still hiring from last year. Creating special collections.

Michele van Hoeck: held Cal Maritime Scholar faculty lecture series, to make research and scholarship more visible. Attended excellent IFLA preconference about synergies between Special Collections and information literacy discussion.

Amy Wallace: Doing a faculty hire in February: coordinator of instruction. All librarians teach outside the library. 

Tracey Elliott: Investigating doing a new research commons. Bringing ??? from Ohio State University. Have a forum on 9/22. Starting a Fab Lab on the second floor of the library in an area that was reference. Opened a Hub for writing assistance on the Spartan floor, in collaboration with the English department. Piloting 24/7 during midterms. Involved in the CSU-wide Japanese digitization.

John Wenzler: New provost (from Sac State). Homeless and food-insecure students are getting some attention at the CSU level – see the CSU report on this: .

Patrick Newell: On interim provost #4. Had to fail and restart the searches. Acquired the archives of the Chico State Record. 

Debbie Masters: Collaborations with the Sutro Library - joint exhibits, joint visits. Heavily-used 24/7 space; it's never empty. Starting on major furniture refreshes four and a half years after opening.


CO Budget Update

ULMS, ECC, Other


A conversation about how we get money for the libraries in the CSU. The executive vice chancellors had a large role in deciding what's available. The budget will continue to get demands from various directions. The salary increases for faculty and staff are going to put additional pressure on the CO's budget. Already experiencing cuts in affordable learning, libraries, or accessibility. Recommends watching the CSU board presentation on 9/21 on the graduation rate targets for the system. We're at 19.6% and the governor wants us at 40%. Watch for hires focused on closing that achievement gap. Academic Affairs is driving the priorities of the budget these days, versus Finance and HR.

Gerry talked about developing value propositions for the libraries so we can show the value we bring to graduation. Recommends repeatedly making very simple cases, very straightforward.

The process is that you provide baseline operations, such as the basic ECC, and then an augmentation request. Chancellor White understands we are losing money due to inflation.  The ULMS is one of the largest allocations in Academic Affairs.

COLD budget discussion: Didn't get the increase needed to cover the ECC; balancing from Lottery and other places.

Peter MacDonald asked about replacing the provost (Harry) who was a liaison. Gerry will inquire. There's a lot of various initiatives that pull the CO in different directions.

Academic Senate: discussion written up separately.

ULMS Cost Formula: Gerry discussed how the cost model was created (see Exec minutes). Jen Fabbi expressed concern that CSUSM was told they would see cost savings and in fact in the unified model they will not see cost savings. David Walker is looking into this. Anna Gold asked who will manage the cost-sharing model, and it was advised that David and Brandon would. John Wenzler noted that COLD members needed to absorb the proposal to provide feedback on it.



Report to ASCSU (John asked to give a report to them: discussion about what he should say) - postponed due to lack of time


Resource Sharing

  • Discussion with Anya Arnold
  • Update from Karen on the Governance Committee
Karen, Anya Arnold

Anya's presentation: Also see slide deck

OC Council is all the deans and directors from the 39 libraries

The Council has the final say-so

Policy and Coordination Board

Getting chairs and chair-elects staggered initial terms - 3 and 4 years

Program manager model

Team members are not representing their institution. They are representing what is best for the consortia. Sometimes what is good for one is not good for the other.

Workload: participating in these groups is not "extra" – it's core to the group

One contact per library per program

The policy addresses what is lent (generally circulating materials) and the borrowing limit (200).

Has two loan periods: six weeks, and six days - no renewals.

No direct recall for patrons; staff may recall.

Loan sequence: Local, Group, ILL.

All Alliance members have walk-up privileges.

Would have open meetings for learning new topics.

You can never over-communicate

Schedule breaks during the migration process

Be willing to ask questions and challenge assumptions

Be open to the GTF's questions

Think about how we organize the decision-making structure

Shared patron database should be easier than in the Alliance

How much will it cost to run both systems, counting staff hours, servers, etc.? What's the cost of inaction? How many workflows are you going to ask your staff to do, and do well? What is the patron interaction going to look like? Can blame issues on the change.

Good idea to brand the resource-sharing network.

Last-copy plan: had to be at least three items in the network – that was the threshold

ASCSU presentation discussion

Mark - Good to point out that library faculty stand alongside the other faculty

John - will ask for a standing item for ten minutes every year.

5:00Dinner instructions, arrangements – optional tour of the CI libraryAmy W.
6:30No host dinner (Amy will host wine & beer) at Bistro 13 (next to the hotel)

Action items
