

Call In Number: 1-805-437-3555

Zoom Log in Friday:


    • ULMS Post-Implementation Governance
    • Resource Sharing Strategies
    • Strategic Planning

Discussion items

8:30-9:00Continental breakfastAmy Wallace (Unlicensed)
  • Another good breakfast!

Quick Follow-Up

  • ASCSU Presentation (John)
  • Resource Sharing? (Karen)
  • John appreciates feedback and will shorten the presentation and make it more focused. He will distribute the revised draft.
  • Resource Sharing - Karen will the GTF know that COLD would like a recommendation for the two lending periods, with a rationale for the recommendation, by the COLD Exec Zoom meeting on October XX.

Invite Library ADs to the San Marcos Meeting in Feb (Jen)

"I would like to propose to EC that we invite the ADs to join us at the Feb meeting at CSU San Marcos. They could join us for part of the meeting and then have four hours on their own. This is something that I have polled people about previously, and was met with favorably. Char Booth--my AD--is willing to spearhead the planning and agenda for the ADs--of course, it would be nice for them to just network--or we could give them a project to work on! I know it is a bit trying for both MPPs to be away from the Library, but I think worth it."

Jen Fabbi
  • Outcome: Jen Fabbi will take the lead on organizing this and will provide a proposal to EC. Partners are welcome – Sacramento, San Diego, Cal Poly, and Dominguez Hills have indicated interest. Jen Fabbi will have Char reach out to the ADs.

Strategic Planning Follow Up

  • Finalize Vision and Mission Statements
  • Breakout groups to identify Objectives
  • Discussed how this data was gathered.
  • The vision statement generated the most discussion. The question about what is truly possible to be "universal" and "equitable" within the CSU system came up. Amy Kautzman suggested resource sharing could be further elaborated as resources and personnel.
  • EC will consolidate the input.
  • Vision statement: The conversation included: Is it vision or mission? It was turned over to EC.
  • Question about articulating objectives?
  • Resource sharing: looked at it more broadly than sharing traditional resources.
10:10-10:40Open Access Resolution and AAP/Sci-Hub Follow-upMark Stover (OA Task Force)


  • Peter: Need to be aware we're not addressing cost implications (e.g. APCs). Also be aware there is a lot of FUD about OA publishing that some deans believe.
  • Tracey: Why opt-in versus opt-out? Discussion followed about the challenge of OA education and the jousting between disciplines that can happen for faculty senate.
  • Anna Gold: notes that item 7 suggests that the resolution is proposing action
  • Tracey and Amy K: Important for libraries to speak with one voice
  • Discussion about whether we send a letter to the AAP
  • Debbie: recommends Anna Gold think about a communications piece
    • Mark notes this would be useful for sharing with our local faculty
    • Patrick: recommends emphasizing that we are supporting librarians as faculty – and we stand by our faculty
  • MOTION (from John Wenzler (Unlicensed)) Do the members of COLD agree with the letter that Roman wrote in response to the AAP letter? – UNANIMOUS YES, no abstentions



John Wenzler (Unlicensed): discussed antecedents of the ULMS: Pharos, Mango, etc. Mango was a shared OCLC catalog. MetaLib was primitive. Xerxes – successful, adopted by 23 campuses. SFX - most successful project. Universal adoption. Lessons learned: collaborate, use tools that help collaborate, leverage shared resources.

brandon dudley (Unlicensed): from here to go-live: April is when the final migration period begins. April through early August is a zone when ULMS team members need to be all hands on deck. Start training the personnel who didn't get to the workshops.

Debbie: notes that the August training was not fully training per se. Brandon concurred, noting that the sessions were focused on higher-level information so that the hands-on would make sense.

Data issues need to be reported to EL by December 15.

Final migration work begins May 2017.

Technical Freeze: 4 weeks out from go-live date. Fulfillment freeze: 48 hours out from go-live.

  • Increased stress & workload – be gentle!
  • TS staff can take a break during technical freeze

Need as many eyeballs as possible to find issues during the rest of the summer.

Debbie, question re ARS: where does that fit into things?

brandon dudley (Unlicensed) – third-party integrations need to be done by go-live

John Wenzler (Unlicensed) noted our role as deans – see the ERP document

Noon-Fajita Rice Bowl Bar Lunch

Action items

  • Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) will communicate lending query to GTF
  • Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) will provide an updated strategic plan draft to COLD
  • Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) will upload accompanying documents to this space
  • Jen Fabbi will take the lead on a proposal for a meeting of the associate deans
  • Anna Gold will take the lead on a communications piece announcing COLD's vote in support of CSULB's letter to AAP
  • Mark Stover will revise the proposed resolution and share a copy with COLD prior to the next pre-COLD EC Zoom meeting