CAT Meeting
November 23, 2015
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting using Zoom
Members present: Jen Fabbi (San Marcos, Chair), Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay), Sue Thompson (San Marcos), Laurie Borchard (Northridge), Monica Fusich (Fresno), and Laura Gil-Trejo (Fullerton, Consultant).
Members absent: Tiffini Travis (Long Beach), Stephanie Alexander (East Bay), Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State), Diana Wu, (San Jose State), Michele Van Hoeck (California Maritime Academy, Vice-chair)
Jen started by saying it has been a busy month! (General agreement.) This month (December) Jen will continue to work on the action tasks generated at last month's meeting, including an official toolbox "launch" email to our CSU assessment contacts and Library Deans.
Recapping Meeting Minutes: The group reviewed minutes from previous meeting.
Monica Fusich was actually absent during our last meeting but her name was not listed at all in the meeting minutes. Her name will be added as absent in the revised meeting minutes.
Jen moves that we delete the "Diana says she received feedback from someone who said that he/she appreciated the detail, contrary to Felicia's feedback" from the Toolbox section of the draft meeting minutes because its omission provides a better summary of what we discussed on October 19th.
From meeting minutes: The "introduction" tab (not home page) can be restructured and reorganized to help funnel people to the sub-pages. There is some discussion about potentially blending the "landing" page and the "introduction" page.
Meeting minutes approved with these three changes.
Toolbox Action Items:
We have continued to have meaty discussions about the toolbox and they are important discussions to have. Jen has a better understanding of where we have been, where we are and where we think we are going with the toolkit. Subgroups organized at the last meeting were confirmed, and all agreed that they could meet virtually at least once before our next full meeting.
- Digital learning objects: Laurie and Stephanie haven't talked about this yet. Laurie says she has generated a list of the different CSUs that had created tutorials and has obtained corresponding contact information for those campuses. The group's next task is to make contact with these libraries.
- Toolbox Reorganization: Felicia, Jen, and Laura will be meeting tomorrow at 10:30 about the toolbox reorganization. Jen will send a zoom link for the call tomorrow.
- WASC Accreditation: Michele and Jen are leading this task. Jen's plan is to communicate with her WASC contact to obtain a list of the CSUs who have gone through the accreditation cycle in the last three years or will be going through the process in the next three years. They will then contact the list of deans who have gone through WASC accreditation in the last three years to see if she can get a copy of their reports. One of the main things she hopes to learn is how the library has been assessed in these reports as well as how the institution has measured student learning of information literacy as a core competency.
- Tools: Sue needs a partner to work with her on this component of the toolbox. She will be busy through Dec 15th and then she will be able to focus on this during her sabbatical in the spring. She is looking for practical tools that can be used by librarians: surveys included in the literature and methodological tools. Sarah volunteered to work on this with Sue.
Toolkit Launching: Jen will be drafting an introductory letter with a link to the toolkit. This email will be sent out to to COLD, COLD CAT members and CSU librarians on the assessment contact list. She will be asking them to share the toolbox with whoever they feel would benefit from it. She will ask Diana to make the site public and findable.
Report on IL Assessment Pilot Project (Laura):
We will be looking within the CSU to recruit librarians to assist in the assignment rating process. The rubric selected is one used by UC Irvine. Laura will post it to our Google drive. The post-test will be administered the first two weeks of December, and Laura will be crunching data. Jen mentions that perhaps we can market the rubric norming and application as a professional development opportunity. We will be starting with volunteers from the campuses that are part of the pilot and then we can extend the recruitment outwards to other campuses for volunteers once we know how many samples we obtain. We will know the final number of papers for the next meeting (December 21st). The goal is to have all assignments rated by the end of the spring semester.
Update on GPLN Webinar (GWLA Project): Laura has contacted Melissa and Zoltan and they have agreed to talk after the November holidays. Laura will get the webinar power point slides and/or the audio recording. Jen still plans to ask Melissa to share the initial study design.
Adjourned. Next meeting is December 21st from 4-5 p.m.