CAT Meeting
December 21, 2015
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting using Zoom
Members present: Jen Fabbi (San Marcos, Chair), Michele Van Hoeck (California Maritime Academy, Vice-chair), Diana Wu (San Jose State), Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay), Sue Thompson (San Marcos), Monica Fusich (Fresno), and Laura Gil-Trejo (Fullerton, Consultant).
Members absent: Tiffini Travis (Long Beach), Stephanie Alexander (East Bay), Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State), and Laurie Borchard (Northridge)
I. November meeting minutes were approved.
II. Toolkit Current
- Review and approval of the draft message to launch toolkit. Jen drafted an email to be sent to the CSU Library Assessment contacts, CSU Library Directors, and CAT, which tells people that we worked on this toolkit in the form of a LibGuide, provides the URL for the toolkit, and asks members share it with others. The letter also includes a description of next steps for the toolkit. She is planning on sending that out on January 6th. However, the toolkit URL has already been made public.
- Changing of URL so that it is more self-explanatory. It is now {+}
- Change in "byline" of the toolkit to "This Toolkit contains resources to help you with library assessment needs for the following 3 areas: Information Literacy, Library Collections, and Space Usage.
- One resource was added.
- Discussion of an ability to have a back-up copy of the toolkit (taking the lib guide and make a copy of it and host it at another institution in a nonpublic manner). Monica at Fresno State has offered to maintain it and will try to get this done by the holiday break.
III. Toolkit subprojects: Agreement that the March 28 meeting will be a deadline for subgroups to shoot for drafts ready for review with the goal of finished products (something ready to post) in June.
- Felicia and Laura (Toolkit reorganization): Met by phone in November and are creating a draft mission statement for the Toolkit to help drive the reorganization.
- Stephanie and Laurie (DLOs) have started working on their project and are using the CAT Google drive to share work.
- Jen and Michelle (WASC accreditation):
- Are working on creating a list of schools (15 institutions) that have recently been accredited to obtain a link to their self-studies and final reports. These self-studies will be content analyzed for the terms Information Literacy and Library.
- They also have access to a database that lists the cycles for accreditation so we can identify which schools are up for accreditation next.
- There may be benefit in interviewing Campus ALO or representative from library.
- Some discussion about writing an article.
- Sue and Sarah (Tools):
- Have also begun work and have uploaded what they have so far. Sue is working on a collection of electronic tools (e.g. Qualtrics, survey monkey, etc.), and Sarah is working on measurement instruments (surveys, rubrics, etc.). The idea is that the tools should be hands on and something that librarians should be able to take and run with.
- They had another area they were concerned about – links to CSU libraries assessment contacts doc, as well as outside organizations, and resources. It was agreed that for now we can add the assessment contact document Jen made earlier this year. There was discussion where to put it in the toolkit, because there really wasn't a location that really jumped out. We decided to put it under "CSU examples" and to change the name of that tab to "CSU contacts and examples." Jen will send a link to the document to Diana so that she can integrate it.
- There was consensus that whoever is doing the reorganization will need to reconsider the tabs and how they can be streamlined and more tabs added if necessary.
IV. CAT Pilot Update
- For Fresno, 284 of the 604 respondents who finished the pre-test have completed the post-test (47.0%).
- For Northridge, 584 of the 1,373 respondents who finished the pre-test have completed the post-test (42.5%). So as you can see, we've almost managed to get 50% retention in both groups, which I think is awesome!
- Seventy-six students from Fresno have agreed to send in their papers, and 153 from Northridge have.
- Eighty-nine students overall (38.9%) have actually sent the papers.
- We will be sending reminder emails before we leave for the holidays.
- Reminder: the purpose of this project is to assess whether this type of project would be scalable to a larger opt in study across additional CSU libraries.
V. Greater Western Alliance Update: Laura, Melissa, and Zoltan have agreed to meet next year. Topics to be discussed = where they are in their project and what research design they are using.
Adjourned. Next meeting is January 25 from 4-5 p.m.