CAT Meeting
February 22nd, 2016
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting using Zoom
Members present: Michele Van Hoeck (California Maritime Academy, Vice-chair), Stephanie Alexander (East Bay), Laurie Borchard (Northridge), Ann Agee for Diana Wu (San Jose State) and Laura Gil-Trejo (Fullerton, Consultant).
Members absent: Jen Fabbi (San Marcos, Chair), Diana Wu (San Jose State), Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay), Sue Thompson (San Marcos), Monica Fusich (Fresno), Tiffini Travis (Long Beach), and Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State).
- Update on backup copy of toolkit (Monica)
- Updates from toolbox subgroups: digital learning objects (led by Laurie); WASC accreditation (Michele); tools (led by Sue)
- Pilot update (Laura)
I. December meeting minutes were approved.
II. Toolkit Backup: Michele will follow-up with Monica regarding the status of the toolkit back-up. Added note: Back-ups have been made by Monica.
III. Toolkit subprojects: Agreement that the March 28 meeting will be a deadline for subgroups to shoot for drafts ready for review with the goal of finished products (something ready to post) in June.
- Felicia and Laura (Toolkit reorganization): In progress.
- Stephanie and Laurie (DLOs) have started working on their project and are using the CAT Google drive to share work. To date they have collected the contact information of the people responsible for DLOs at their campus (CSU only), provided a link to DLO tools as well as any assessment that is being done. They think they can be done with their task tentatively by or before the March 28th deadline. Anyone is welcome to review their work and submit comments or concerns directly to them.
- Jen and Michele (WASC accreditation):
- Have created a list of 15 institutions that have recently been accredited according to WASC's website. For these 15 campuses they will obtain a link to their self-studies and final reports. These self-studies will be content analyzed for the terms Information Literacy and Library. Michele is working on this project off-line and hopes to have seven institutions completed by our next meeting. This subcommittee's work will be updated at that time in a document on the shared google drive.
- Sue and Sarah (Tools):
- Not present.
IV. CAT Pilot Update
- In total 116 students submitted the paper they submitted for the course associated with the recruitment process.
- These papers have been stripped of all identifying information and assigned unique ids that match with their survey data.
- They will be mailed to Northridge and Fresno libraries, where the range of paper types can be reviewed. In addition, a sample of three will be rated and agreement with ratings will be assessed.
- Team is open to removing standards in the rubric that do not match with the study's learning outcomes or potentially changing rubric altogether.
- Results to be reported at next meeting.
V. Greater Western Alliance Update: Laura, Melissa, and Zoltan met earlier in the day to discuss where they are with their project. They are still in the process of compiling data from all campuses and cleaning it, so they are less far along. They are looking at usage from the perspective of exposure to courses in which IL is embedded in some way. Rather than use student id data (swipe technology) they are using information on enrollment in one of several courses that have been identified as embedded IL instruction. They also have data on how IL is embedded in the course sections. They are amenable to a continued relationship with CAT and the possibility of meeting at ALA or the Library assessment conference was discussed. Laura will follow-up and get more information to the group.
Adjourned at 4:25 p.m.