CAT Meeting
March 28, 2016
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting using Zoom
Members present: Jen Fabbi (San Marcos, Chair), Diana Wu (San Jose State), Sue Thompson (San Marcos), Monica Fusich (Fresno), Tiffini Travis (Long Beach), Stephanie Alexander (East Bay), Laurie Borchard (Northridge), and Laura Gil-Trejo (Fullerton, Consultant).
Members absent: Michele Van Hoeck (California Maritime Academy, Vice-chair), Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay), and Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State)
- Meeting Minutes: December meeting minutes were approved. February meeting minutes were approved with one change in attendee (Ann Agee for Diana Wu). Finalized and added to Google drive.
- Announcements (Jen Fabbi):
- Jen was asked at the COLD Executive Meeting on March 25 to pursue a recommendation and budget proposal for ACRL Metrics on behalf of CAT and the "Statistics Committee." Jen will follow up with Yiu Ling at the Chancellor's Office.
- The deadline for COLD committee budget requests is April 15. Jen will schedule a meeting with Michelle to discuss needs for next year.
- The incoming vice chair for CAT is Stephanie Sterling Brasley, Dean at Dominguez Hills.
- Four members' terms will end at the end of June and will need to be replaced with members with two-year terms (Stephanie, Laurie, Diana, and Tiffani). Diana asked if they will be replaced by someone at their campus. According to our charge, "Membership will be for a two-year term rotating schedule and will be appointed from nominees from campuses represented by size." We are losing members from three large campuses.
- Toolkit Updates
- Laurie & Stephanie: Digital Learning Objects
- Laurie has been updating document on the Google drive.
- Information includes information on type of assessment and the contact person responsible for the assessment.
- Four or five campuses remaining to have completed.
- This will be done in the next two weeks.
- Stephanie has been contributing to the project as well.
- Once this is done, we need to decide how to integrate it into the toolbox. How is it that we expect this to be used, what is the purpose? This would be the next step once we have completed the list.
- What we post needs to make sense and be usable.
- List of resources along with a brief description of what has been done.
- Lots of assessment is happening behind the scenes and there is no way to see it on the front end. Stephanie will be reaching out to those libraries to see if she can get a screen shot of assessment activities.
- Jen's ideas on this topic:
- Limiting down to those that have a built in assessment.
- Listing common technology platforms.
- Jen's ideas on this topic:
- Laura & Felicia: Toolbox Reorganization
- Laura and Felicia will present new organization at April 25 meeting.
- Laura will work with Felicia to find a time later in April when she can meet.
- Laura and Felicia will also recommend where to house new content the other three sub-groups have developed.
- Michele & Jen: WASC Information Literacy Assessment:
- We have secured timelines for accreditation for CSU campuses
- Michele has gone through six of the accreditation sites for 14 targeted universities.
- Made notes on the self-studies as they pertain to IL and the libraries.
- Michele will post the notes on the Google drive.
- Sue: Assessment Tools
- Final draft version is being stored on the Google drive in Word.
- Tech tools: what free technology exists that can help you work on your assessment.
- Learning space: list of other kinds of tools.
- Data analysis
- Data visualization
- Organizations that support assessment
- Survey instruments found in articles (information literacy)
- Intention is for these products to be practical. It is for people who already know what they want to do for their assessment and need to know what tools are available to implement.
- CAT Pilot Update (Laura)
The group has 114 samples of student work. They chose three samples to apply their rubric to and met to see how they compared. The student work is very diverse; much of it is reflection and does not include a research component. Jen asked Laura if she could provide a summary of results so far.
- GWLA Update: Melissa Bowles-Terry will be attending ALA in Orlando in June if anyone would like to meet to talk about their study.
- Adjourned. Next meeting is scheduled April 25 from 4-5 p.m. Jen will try to reschedule to 3-4 p.m. so that Felicia may attend.