CAT Meeting
April 25, 2016
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting using Zoom
Members present: Jen Fabbi (San Marcos, Chair), Diana Wu (San Jose State), Sue Thompson (San Marcos), Monica Fusich (Fresno), Stephanie Alexander (East Bay), Laurie Borchard (Northridge), : Michele Van Hoeck (California Maritime Academy), Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State) and Laura Gil-Trejo (Fullerton, Consultant).
Members absent: Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay) and Tiffini Travis (Long Beach)

  1. Meeting Minutes: March meeting minutes were approved. Finalized and added to Google drive.

  1. Budget Request for ACRL Metrics (Jen Fabbi): Jen was asked at the COLD Executive Meeting on March 25 to pursue a recommendation and budget proposal for ACRL Metrics on behalf of CAT and the "Statistics Committee." Jen followed up with Yiu Ling at the Chancellor's Office. Yiu supports the proposal for ACRL Metrics, which could reduce the statistics reporting periods for CSU Libraries from three to one, as IPED statistics would be seamlessly taken from the ACRL survey. This would also give us access to a portal so that we have access to everyone's' data and can compare ourselves against peers. Jen and Michele recommended it to COLD, and it will be discussed at next meeting in San Francisco. The decision still needs to be made as to whether to continue completing the CO library survey. Felicia will do a one-on-one comparison between the CO survey and ACRL survey to be 100% sure we won't be missing anything if we decide to abandon the CO survey.

  1. Toolbox Organization (Felicia Kalker and Laura Gil-Trejo)
  • A presentation was given by Felicia and Laura based on a mock up of a possible entry screen for the reorganized toolbox. The mock-up offers multiple avenues for entry for both novice and expert assessors. They asked for feedback on look and feel, but not details like font or colors.
  • Feedback:
    • Missing service types… Collections and library spaces need to be added.
    • Audience is all librarians, but for CSU librarians, Sue thinks we need to add the section on making assessment plans available.
    • If all the target audience is going to be all CSU libraries then having some way to flag what the CSU has done.
    • CSU community should be our primary audience.
    • Make e-resources a sub-topic under collections.
    • Tutorials-how-to to whole package….
    • Jen Fabbi: Workshops and webinars…these are hard to upkeep, to make things more feasible we should include an RSS feed a nice list of potential places to go.
    • University of Washington has a conference on assessment that they are offering every year and someone should go to see what kinds of tools or material we can incorporate into the toolbox.
    • Find a different way to present the information in the two columns.
    • Jen will only be on the committee as chair for two more months. Michele and Jen are trying to bridge the gap between now and the time Michele takes over.
  • One week before June meeting there will be live version of the toolbox to share.
  • Should the toolbox be on a LibGuide or some other kind of website that can be supported by the CO?
    • Michele's feedback it seems to me that the LibGuide platform is fine.

  1. Membership Update (Jen Fabbi):
  • Nomination for new members closes on May 9th.
  • Four nominations received so far.
  • Michele and Jen will review these for assessment experience, and what campuses they are from. We are supposed to have representation from campuses of all sizes to make sure we have good coverage. We are losing representation for big campuses on three out of four members whose terms are ending.

  1. Announcements
    1. Diana—new dean at San Jose State will be starting soon.

  1. Adjourned. Next meeting is scheduled May 23 from 4-5 p.m.